IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1 Admit Card 2018 Releasing On 26th July (Tentative)
For a total of 3,312 vacancies, the Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) Officers scale 1 preliminary examination will be held on 11th, 12th, and 18th August. For the tests, tentatively, IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1 Admit Card 2018 are to be issued on 26th July. While, for scale II and III, a single examination will be held on 30th September. With the RRB recruitment, a parallel recruitment for 5249 posts of Office Assistant is on the way tests of which, are scheduled on 19th, 25th August and 1st September 2018.
IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1 Admit Card 2018
As per the selection procedure, this is the first test and it must be qualified in order to be eligible for another level, Mains. The mains examination for officer scale 1 posts will be held on 30th September.
Questions like what is the venue where I have to reach to appear for the test, at what time the examination will begin what is my roll number? can be solved by the release of IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1 Admit Card 2018. How?. The admit card contains a number of imperative credentials like roll number, exam center’s address, timing, photograph with signature and many others.
As per the instructions, if a candidate found without the admit card, the entry will not be permitted. Moreover, aspirants should not write anything or don’t need to make any special sign on the hall ticket.
Any kind of objectionable devices like mobile phones, Bluetooth devices, programmable calculators are strictly banned. Even then, a contender carries any of these items, strict actions will be taken against the particular examinee.
IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1 Exam Pattern 2018
- Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude are the classified topics of the question paper.
- 40 questions will be asked in each section.
- Each question carries one marks which make the whole examination of 80 marks.
- Composite time of 45 minutes will be given to solve out the paper.
- There are five sections in the mains exam – Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, General Awareness, English / Hindi Language and Computer Knowledge.
- Each question comprises of 40 questions.
- Sections wise marks – 50, 50, 40, 40, 20 respectively.
The authority will provide admit cards through online mode and to get the latest update, stay tuned with ALL INDIA ROUNDUP.