Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) Releases Answer Key For Teacher Exam 2018
The RPSC (Rajasthan Public Service Commission) has made the answer key for the Senior Teacher Group B Grade II Exam available to download on their official website. The exam was held to fill up the vacant posts in the School Education Department of Rajasthan. The answer key for the RPSC Second Grade Teach can be downloaded through the official website of the Commission which is rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in. The answer keys that are released are for the Urdu, Hindi, Science, and GK papers.
A couple of days ago, the Rajasthan Public Service Commission also released the answer keys for the English, Math, Social Science, Sindhi, Punjabi, and GK papers.
Here is the direct link for the Answer Key
RPSC Senior Teacher Exam Answer Keys
How To Raise Objections
The Rajasthan Public Service Commission 2nd Grade Teacher Examinations happened from October 28, 2018 – November 2, 2018.
All the candidates who took the exam and wants to raise objections in the RPSC 2nd Grade Answer key that has been released for the exam, can send their objections through their official website from February 23-25, 2019.