New Russian Data Says Its Sputnik Vaccine Is More Effective Than Pfizer’s
New data that was published by Russia says that their Sputnik V vaccine is 2 percent more effective than the one Pfizer is currently making.
However, the data that they released is only based on a smaller number of coronavirus vases.
The data was released by Russia came 2 days after the developers at BioNtech and Pfizer said that their vaccine is 90 percent effective in preventing the coronavirus from infecting a human being.
The announcement was made through the Russian Direct Investment Fund website.
The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Gamaleya Center) said that its findings are based on over 16,000 volunteers that have received either shot of the 2-dose Sputnik V vaccine or a placebo.
Out of the 16,000 cases, there were around 20 confirmed cases of the coronavirus 21 days after the first shot was given to them.
The case split into these people who were vaccinated and those that were given a placebo.
The data that was released said that the vaccine is 92 percent efficient.
Mikhail Murashko, the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, said that the Sputnik V is efficient.
Murashko said:
The use of the vaccine and the results of clinical trials demonstrate that it is an efficient solution to stop the spread of coronavirus infection, а preventive healthcare tool, and this is the most successful path to defeat the pandemic.
The data is promising, however, some people are still not completely happy with the data that Russia has released.
Some experts are asking for more clarity on the newly developed vaccine.
The Pfizer and BioNTech candidate is currently performing better than the one that is introduced by Russia.
The vaccine is one of the many that is currently in phase 3 testing.
The Pfizer vaccine involves injecting a part of the virus’s genetic code into a person in order to allow their body to train its immune system against it.
Over 43,000 people are involved in the current phase of the trial and officials of the company said that people have been protected by the virus.
While the Russian vaccine only involves 16,000 people, the Pfizer vaccine involves more.
Pfizer and BioNTech said that they are capable of supplying 50 million doses of the coronavirus vaccine by the end of this year if their drug is approved by regulators for mass production.
By the end of 2021, Pfizer said that they are capable of selling 1.3 billion vaccines.