13 Amazing Beauty Hacks You Can Do With Your Toothbrush

The toothbrush is a necessity for all of us in maintaining a set of healthy teeth. However, a toothbrush not only removes those stubborn germs and bacteria from your teeth, but it can also be used for other purposes. There are plenty of other uses of toothbrush but here, let’s look at 10 of them that are beauty related.

1. Remove Blackheads

Blackheads are an absolute nuisance. Besides making the skin look rough, spotted and dull, blackheads are stubborn and don’t come off very easily. Often you might have tried different scrubs or even bruising it in an attempt to get rid of them with your fingers, but to no avail. Blackheads are your reality, and they stay as is.

But, here is an amazingly efficient and cheap method of getting rid of blackheads in a matter of minutes. All you need is a plain toothpaste (not the gel variety or those for sensitive teeth. The regular plain white toothpaste preferably with a peppermint flavoring), and of course, toothbrush.


1.Put toothpaste on a clean toothbrush.
2.Wet the toothbrush and your nose and the areas affected by blackheads
3.Using a toothbrush, gently rub the area for several minutes.
4.If you have blackheads on nose, apply a minimal amount of toothpaste and
25Avoid eye area.
6.Always sterilize your toothbrush in hot water after use.

Why does it work?

Most toothpaste contains ingredients like hydrogen peroxide, witch hazel, baking soda, and alcohol – all things known to take down zits that instantly dries out the acne and the infected pores. Now if you have a sensitive skin, watch out, you might even have an allergic reaction. Otherwise, this is the easiest way to get rid of those blackheads.

2. Exfoliate your lips

Toothbrush could be used for lips too. Make your flaky lips soft and smooth by applying a balm over your lips, and then exfoliating away any dead skin with a toothbrush. The circular motion of toothbrush bristles will clear all the dirt/dead skin from your lips.

If you have slightly uneven or torn lips particularly in the winters, toothbrush could be very useful for you.

3. Groom your eyebrows

If you have unruly eyebrows, forget about buying a specific eyebrow brush or always visiting a parlor to adjust them. Just use an old toothbrush to groom your eyebrows. Spray the head of your toothbrush with hairspray to give your brow hairs some hold and brush them into place. Or, just use an old toothbrush to groom your eyebrows into place with some Vaseline. Smart and easy right!

4. Exfoliate Dark Spots on your Skin

Mix water, lemon juice, and baking soda together to create a self tanner-removing cocktail. Then, use the toothbrush to help exfoliate away any dark spots.

Blend a cup of water mixed with a half cup of lemon juice and a tablespoon of baking soda. Dip a toothbrush in the mixture and gently exfoliate over areas where you applied too much self-tanner. The lemon juice mixture will erase any spots that accidentally ended up too dark.

5. Use your Toothbrush to Tease your Hair

If you don’t have a boar bristle teasing comb handy, use an old toothbrush to tease the hair at the crown of your head or the areas along your hairline to get instant volume in the places you want it most.

6. Use your Toothbrush to Tame Flyaways

Since the bristles of each toothbrush are positioned so close together, they act as a super-tiny boar bristle brush. Spray the head of the toothbrush with hairspray and then brush any flyaways back to blend in with the rest of your hair.

7. For perfect Mascara Eyelashes

Here is another toothbrush hack which helps you get a perfect mascara look. If you ever swipe your mascara wand over your lashes and apply a little extra that makes your appearance slightly imperfect, use this trick: Just pick up the toothbrush and run it gently through your lashes in an upward motion. The bristles will grab the excess mascara. You will be delighted to see the perfect mascara eyelashes when done!

NOTE: Pick a new toothbrush. Since it’s going near your eye, you don’t want to use an old toothbrush which could lead to irritation or infection.

8. Apply liquid hair chalk or highlights

Hair chalk can be messy, especially if it comes in liquid form, so apply it to your toothbrush first, and then brush it onto the strands you want to be colored. Also, if you want to highlight your hair (or few strands), dip a toothbrush into your at-home blonde hair color or highlighting kit, and then brush it on strands.

9. Clean your Nails

You might not have a nail brush handy, but chances are you have an extra toothbrush. Use the bristles of an old toothbrush to clean any dirt out from underneath your nails in seconds.

10. Get a Textured Braid

After you’ve braided your hair into a polished plait, take an old toothbrush and gently brush the bristles upward, creating an instantly roughed up and textured finish.

11. Create your own Jackson Pollock nail art look

Grab a few toothbrushes and pick out the polishes you want to stipple onto your nails. Pour paint onto a paper plate, then dab the head of the first toothbrush into the polish (don’t oversaturate it or you won’t get the dot effect), and then tap the brush onto your nail haphazardly. Continue using these steps, switching out the toothbrush or cleaning it with polish remover each time, to finish the rest of the look, and then enjoy your Jackson Pollock-like mani masterpiece!

12. Scrub away your Dead Cuticles

If you do your own manicure and pedicure, a toothbrush is really handy. When you’re done with pushing your cuticles, just scrub your nails with a toothbrush to get rid of the dead cuticles. The toothbrush can also help scrub away dead skin on your fingers and feet!

13. Cleanse the Upper Lips

Most women get some black little patches on their upper lips due to dead skin cell accumulation or due to slight skin tone variation in that region. To address this issue, you can rub the toothbrush gently in that region every day to keep that region clean and hygienic. You can also use a scrubbing agent like sugar or plain soap for that matter.

Upper lip region is another spot where blood circulation is often limited hence, this practice is really good and beneficial in the long run too.

You would not have thought so many benefits of a toothbrush before reading this article. Now you understand the wonderful benefits of toothbrush for various purposes, I hope you will try these simple techniques and experience the exceptional changes!

So, the next time you are about to throw away your toothbrush; keep it aside for a while.