9 Horrifying Facts About Gender Inequality In Afghanistan | Violence Against Women In Afghanistan

The entire country of Afghanistan is currently in total mayhem, considering that the Taliban has taken over the entire country, and the most affected in the country are its women, who have been oppressed by the extremist minded Taliban for over 20 years now.

But what type of oppression are they experiencing in the country?

One of the most is gender inequality.

Below, we are going to list down some of the most horrifying facts about Gender Inequality in Afghanistan that their women are facing.

9 Horrifying Facts About Gender Inequality In Afghanistan

1. Women have low income in Afghanistan

Before the Taliban takeover this year, women were allowed to work in some sectors of the country, however the thing is that they did not get the same opportunities like men got.

According to a 2021 data, women in Afghanistan was paid 16 percent less than a man would get in the same job. Despite being a democratic country before this, women were not treated properly in the country.

2. Women are not working in a lot of sectors

A number of official data and surveys said that women in Afghanistan before the Taliban rule this year were outnumbered by 5 to 1 by men in sectors that require higher skills.

This data was also released this year.

3. Women do not get to work in higher positions

Another data that was released this year suggested that women were not heavily present in higher positions in the country.

The data said that only 4.1 percent of senior and managerial positions in the country are held by women in Afghanistan.

4. They are not owners

According to a report that was released in 2017, it was said that women were not heavily present in the business sector.

The report said that women only operated 5 businesses in 100 small business that were operating the country.

5. Not meant for politics

Before the Taliban took over the country, women were not getting into politics and to prove that, we are going to present some of the numbers that were presented by their own parliament.

According to official data, only 27 percent of members in the parliament of Afghanistan were women.

6. Not a lot of opportunities for women

Opportunities are also not given to women in the country before the Taliban takeover earlier this month.

According to a report, Afghanistan comes in the bottom of a list when it comes to measuring what economic opportunity is open to women against the options on offer to men.

The list is made of 156 countries.

7. No proper education

According to data that was released in 2017, there were only 7 girls for every 10 boys that were being enrolled in a primary school.

When it came to secondary school, there were only 6 girls for every 10 boys that were enrolled in a secondary school.

8. Literacy rate

The female literacy rate is so low in Afghanistan and the numbers were before the Taliban rule, meaning, it could decrease in the upcoming future.

According to official data, the female literacy rate in Afghanistan is just over 53 percent compared with 79 percent in the entire world.

9. Women are subjected to physical or sexual violence

In the year 2015, researchers found out that 46.1 percent of women that are around the age of 15 to 49 had been subjected to physical or sexual violence by a current or former intimate partner within the previous year.