It Looks Like A Rollercoaster, But When You Know The Reality Your Mind Will Blow Away!

Long drives are a great way of refreshing your mind at the end of a rough day. A scenic bike ride would provide us with views of beauty and grace. Either it could be gracious skies, or green trees, or mountain majesties, these types of rides are sure to entice the senses. However, can a beautiful ride be also dangerous?

There is one road which is so stunningly beautiful and yet shockingly dangerous that the very thought of driving on it will send a shiver down your spine. Yes, the very location and backdrop of this road are so scary that you will think twice before taking off for a drive. It is the Atlantic Ocean road in Norway.

The most dangerous bridge road in the world will surely terrify you, but also mystify with its awesomely magnificent presence! The 8.3 km long Atlantic Ocean road or Atlanterhavsveien takes you through a scenic but spine-chilling route.

The Atlantic Ocean Road, a stretch of Road 64 in Norway between the towns of Kristiansund and Molde on Norway’s west coast has some of the most scenic views to offer. Eight bridges connect tiny little islands dotted along Norway’s Atlantic coast, which curves high over the sea at a dizzying angle. The road passes through the islands of Litllauvoya, Lyngholmen, Storlauvoya among others that are connected with various bridges and viaducts.

The route was originally proposed as a railway line in the early 20th century, but this was abandoned. The road was built in the 1980s and opened to the public in 1989. During its first 10 years it was a toll road – but today it’s part of the National Tourist Route and free to drive.

The picturesque location turns scary when the seas get rough. As you drive on this road, you are constantly hit by gushing waves from the ocean, making it a scary drive. But that doesn’t stop visitors from climbing the platforms built along the road.

It can be an unforgettable experience, though, especially on a full moon night.

If you could, would you attempt to drive along this “most dangerous road in the world”? If not, would you at least make a stop to marvel at its design? The video below may help in your decision.

Also Read: Why Do Some Roads Have White Markings While Others Have Yellow Ones?