16 Common Hair Mistakes You Need To Stop Making Right Now! Check

We all want to have healthy, long and shiny hair, but to achieve these hair goals, one has to be very patient and needs to be very careful with their hair. Moreover, in this age of dust, pollution, and unhealthy lifestyle, we must start paying close attention to how we treat our locks.

Often we tend to make some very common mistakes that we shouldn’t if we desire good hair. The way we wash, dry and style our hair can seriously affect the health and appearance of our hair. Well, good news! Here, we have listed 16 most common hair mistakes that everyone makes and you need to stop making them right now if you want to have shine and the best hair ever.

#1 Touching/Combing Wet Hair

It’s the basic rule. Just don’t comb or touch your hair when they are wet. Your wet hair is not as strong as you think. Brushing or combing wet hair stretches your strands and causes breakage. Hence, comb your hair only after they dry.  Also, if you really need to comb or tangle out your hair when they are still wet, use a wide tooth comb and be very gentle.

#2 Washing Your Hair Too Often

It’s a common misconception that our hair, like our bodies, needs to be washed every day. But, it’s not. When you wash your hair every day, you are stripping off the essential oils that your hair needs to remain healthy. It can often leave your hair dried out. So, restrict your washing days. At most, wash your hair every other day or only twice a week. If your unwashed hair is driving you crazy, try some dry shampoo.

#3 Choosing The Wrong Shampoo

Making the shampoo choice is very important. Using the proper shampoo for your hair type is crucial. There are different shampoos available in the market for different hair types. You need to pick a right shampoo which suits your hair needs, for example, if your hair needs hydration, you need to look for nourishing shampoos. Dry hair needs replenishing oil, and oily hair needs a more natural gentle shampoo.

#4 Not Shampooing Correctly

The next big mistake is how you actually shampoo your hair. Work up a generous lather by scrubbing every part of the scalp with your fingertips. Stimulation increases blood flow by bringing nutrients to the hair follicle making it healthier. Do a thorough rinse to wash away any debris and detergent. Condition the shaft or dry areas and rinse thoroughly. Properly cleaned hair dries faster, has more volume and maintains a style longer.

#5 Not Using Conditioners

Use conditioners on your hair. They are equally important as shampoos. Apply thin layers of conditioner over your hair and allow them to do their job.

#6 Applying Conditioner On The Scalp

This is one of the biggest mistakes which most of them do. Doing so can actually clog your follicles and slow your hair growth. Apply conditioner only to the ends of your hair to keep it hydrated and protected against potential damage.

#7 Intense Towel Drying

Intense towel drying can create a harsh friction against the hair cuticles which can lead to dull and frizzy hair. Instead of a towel, go for an old t-shirt that is made out of microfibre. Since it is much smoother, it is much better.

#8 Not Getting Trimmed

If you want to grow your hair, make sure that you get them trimmed (about a quarter of an inch) every now and then, because trimming makes your hair growth healthy and this would even remove all split ends.

#9 Using The Wrong Comb/Brush

Using all sorts of brushes for your hair? Then, it’s time to stop. Synthetic, plastic and metal brushes increase breakage and weaken your hair as they are not porous as natural brushes. Try using boar bristle brushes which are considered the best for getting shinier, healthier, stronger and smoother hair.

Buy a wide-tooth comb: When detangling your hair, use your fingers or a wide-tooth comb instead of a brush. Wide-tooth combs don’t tug your hair and they are just as effective as a brush for detangling. A wide-tooth comb is essential for anyone with hair longer than a few inches.

Use a wet comb: When you need to comb your dry, frizzy hair, make sure that you use a wet comb. This will definitely ease out the process and discourage hair fall.

#10 Tying Wet Hair

Tying your wet/semi-dry hair can lead to major hair problems like hair loss, hair thinning and in extreme cases, baldness. In addition, it can lead to dandruff problems, lice and scalp infections.

#11 Practicing Bad Ponytail Habits

Though this is a practice which most of us follow unconsciously in our daily life, this is a habit we all need to break. Hair ties are not our hair’s friend. Gathering your strands into those rubber bands can lead to breakage and split ends. Moreover, wearing your ponytail too high or in the same position daily is a bad practice. Avoid it. If at all possible, try wearing your hair down or choose soft elastics or even look into clips.

#12 Touching Your Hair

Even though your hair is fun to play with, touching it disrupts any sort of style and can lead to static and frizz! Just try to keep your hands off your hair and let the style do the talking.

#13 Not Using Heat Protection

When it comes to hair, heat is one of the most damaging elements. If you can’t live without blow-drying, straightening or curling your hair, then start using heat-absorbing products to shield and smoothen your frizzy, rough and dry hair. And make sure you moisturize your hair regularly!

#14 Using Hot Iron On Wet Hair

Hot iron and wet hair is a really bad combination. If you are making the mistake of straightening or curling your hair on wet hair, then please stop right away! Doing so can actually burn the follicles and lead to breakage.

#15 Using Hairspray Before Styling

Have you ever heard a sizzling sound while styling your hair? If yes, then this is because you applied a hairspray before straightening or curling your hair. Alcohol in hairsprays burns when it comes in contact with heat. Use hairspray only after your styling is done.

#16 Going To Sleep With Your Hair Wet

Some people get lazy at night and do this but it only ends up causing more work for you in the morning. When you go to bed with your hair wet, the cuticle is not quite sealed and with all the friction from moving around at night, it can cause a lot of frizz and you will have to work on your hair twice as long to get the frizz out. So, dry your hair before you sleep.

Make sure that you don’t make these mistakes with your hair and you yourself will see the difference in your hair.