Do You Know What You Can Tell About A Person By Looking At Their Feet?

They say you should never judge a book by its cover. But when it comes to people, certain personality quirks and intimate details are totally given away by our appearance. All you need to know is how to interpret them.

We’ve all heard how eyes are the windows to the soul – but apparently, so are feet. Did you know that there’s such a thing as “foot reading”? We can tell a lot about someone by their feet. We can tell how a person feels and what their future holds by looking at their feet. Read on to learn some such things.

#1. Foot Reading

According to the rules of feet reading, the big toe represents thoughts and ideas, the second toe shows emotion, the third is work life or what we do on a daily basis and the fourth is private life. Little toes are all about how we are thinking of moving forward and what is coming next for us. The top of the toe is what we are happy to show and share with the world but underneath the foot shows us what’s really going on.

#2. Big Toe

People who have a really large big toe are smart and creative. But, if it’s small, they can multi-task like a champ.

#3. Second Toe

Is your second toe longer than your big toe? This is called a “Morton’s Toe” and it indicates that you’re resourceful, dynamic and a good leader. If your second toe presses against the ground when you’re standing, it means you’re getting what you want in life. Good for you!

A person whose second toe of the left foot leans towards the big toe is of a sentimental and nostalgic nature.

#4. Third Toe

When your third toe is short, that means you’re super relaxed and zen. But if it’s longer, you’re resourceful and energetic at work. If the last joint of the third toe is curved at an angle, it means that you have an inherent ability to deceive.

#5. Gap Between Second And Third Toe

It means that a person is trying to distance himself/herself from his/her emotion.

#6. Fourth Toe

If your fourth toe is long, your family is the most important thing to you. If it’s short, then you’d rather be doing anything than going to that family reunion.

#7. Baby Toe

A really smaller-than-average baby toe is symbol of a childlike and playful nature. If you can wiggle your baby toe like a boss – that means you’re flirty and charming. If you can’t, you’re doomed to be loyal yet predictable.

If a person’s little toe is pointed at an angle, the person is of an unconventional nature.

#8. Pale Feet

If the feet are paler than the ankle, then the person is likely exhausted and hints at the person being fed up.

#9. Wide feet

Don’t feel bad about your freakishly wide feet. People with exceptionally wide feet are usually hard-working.

#10. Narrow Feet

People with narrow feet likes to be pampered and have others do things for them. Basically, they’re lazy, and their feet prove it.

#11. High arched feet

High arched feet are symbolic of an intellectual personality and a self-dependent persona.

#12. Low arched feet

People with low arched feet (flat-footed) are sociable realists who love the company of others.

#13. Dark Toes

Found dark patches around your toes? Maybe you have darkness on your toe pads? This means that you’re likely depressed. According to Jane Sheehan, a foot-reader, depression makes people put all their weight on the front portion of their feet while walking. This leads to a darkening of the skin near the toes.

#14. A callus under the little toe

Hard skin below the little toe is a sign of being burdened by responsibility. A corn relates to a specific problem and how it’s impacting on that area of your life, depending on where it is on the foot.”