This is a heart touching video in which a dog retriever desperately tries to revive some of the stranded fish by splashing them with water. The efforts of the dog to revive the fishes as they were laying motionless. This dog again proves they are more than Human in showing love, helping, believing and caring.
The dog was seen trying to splash water onto the fishes with its tongue hoping that the fishes would revive. The dog spends lot of time pushing water towards the fish and even nudging one as he tries to bring them back to life. The dog’s owner shot the video to show how the dearest friends of Humans behave.
Seeing the dog’s efforts fail to have the desired effect, the dog then transfers his resuscitation attempt to a second fish lying nearby. Animal-friendly YouTube users praised the dog for its actions and humanity. When the video was posted on the YouTube, there has come a lot of response for the video and the dog.
Here are few responses by the users about the Video:
‘That’s why I hate people and love dogs…’
‘Dog tries to save fish while humans only take a video and post it on YouTube. Sounds about right.’
‘Dogs are so much kinder than people are.’