Happy Diwali 2019 Wishes, Messages, And Quotes For WhatsApp Status, Instagram Status, Facebook Status, Messenger Status, And IMO Status In Hindi And English
In Indian Culture, Diwali is considered as one of the most significant festivals. It is also known as the festival of lights. On this day, millions of Indian people attend firework displays, prayers, and celebratory events across the world. This festival is celebrated by all Indians, this means Sikhs, Jains, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, and even Muslims come as one and celebrate this day with love. The main agenda of this festival is to highlight the power of light.
On Happy Diwali 2019, Indians decorate their houses with lights and candles. Indians clean their houses before Diwali comes and they make sure nothing is dirty. On the day of Diwali, Indians hand out sweets to their friends, relatives, and neighbors so they could show that they’re caring. On the night of Diwali, the sky is decorated with amazing fireworks. Also, Indian families feast and share gifts with each other.
Diwali is a 5-day Indian celebration. It is celebrated by Indians all over the world. Diwali coincides with the Hindu New Year, it celebrates new beginnings and the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness.
The 5 days are:
- Day 1 of Diwali – Dhanteras
- Day 2 of Diwali – Narak Chaturdasi
- Day 3 of Diwali – Lakshmi Puja
- Day 4 of Diwali – Govardhan Puja
- Day 5 of Diwali – Bhai Dooj
This tear, Diwali falls on October 27, 2019, and it will end on October 31, 2019. Some states and Indians are going to celebrate Diwali 2019 on October 28, 2019, until November 1, 2019.
Happy Diwali 2019 Wishes, Messages, And Quotes For WhatsApp Status, Instagram Status, Facebook Status, Messenger Status, And IMO Status In Hindi
॥ दीवाली की ढेरो शुभकामनाएं ॥
क्या भरोसा… मोबाईल का, बैटरी का, चार्जर का, नेटवर्क का, बेलेन्स का, इन्टरनेट का, लाईफ का, टाईम का, इसलिए Advance में Happy Diwali…
तू पटाखा है किसी और का, तुझे फोड़ता कोई और है।
दीपोत्सव पर ढेरो शुभकामनाएं ॥
Aai aai Diwali aai, Saath me kitni Khushiya laayi, Dhoom machao, mauj manao, aap sabhi ko Diwali ki badhai. Happy Diwali
“दीवाली के इस मंगल अवसर पर ,आप सभी की मनोकामना पूरी हों, खुशियाँ आपके कदम चूमे ,इसी कामना के साथ आप सभी को दिवाली की ढेरों बधाई .”
मैं प्रार्थना करती हूँ भगवान् से कि वो आपको शान्ति, शक्ति, सम्पत्ति, स्वरूप, सयम, सादगी, सफ़लता, समृद्धि, संस्कार, स्वास्थय, सम्मान, सरस्वती और स्नेह दे…. शुभ दीपावली
इस दिवाली पर हमारी दुआ है कि आपका हर सपना पूरा हो , दुनिया के ऊँचे मुकाम आपके हो
हम आपके लिए खास हो, लक्ष्मी माता का आपके घर में वास हो ॐ महलक्ष्म्यै नमः ॥
दीपावली के शुभ अवसर पर याद आपकी आए,शब्द शब्द जोड़ कर देते तुम्हें बधाई।
दीपावली में दीयों का दीदार, बड़ों का दुलार और सबको प्यार॥ Happy Diwali
देवी महालक्ष्मी की कृपा से…आपके घर में हमेशा उमंग और आनंद की रौनक हो..इस पावन मौके पर आप सबको दिवाली की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ॥
है रौशनी का त्यौहार, लाये हर चेहरे पर मुस्कान, सुख और समृधि की बहार, समेट लो सारी खुशियाँ, अपनों का साथ और प्यार.. शुभ दीवाली 2019।
दीपक का पर्काश हर पल आपके जीवन मैं एक नयी रौशनी दे, बस यही शुभकामना है हमारी आपके लिए दीवाली के इस पवन अवसर पर .. शुभ दीवाली 2019।
आपका एवें आपके परिवार का हर दिन हर पल शुभ हो, और आप उत्तरोत्तर प्रगति पथ पर अग्रसर रहे, दीपावली 2019 महापर्व पर ऐसी शुभकामनाये।
देवी महालक्ष्मी की कृपा से आपके घर में हमेशा उमंग और आनंद रौनक़ रहे। आपको और आपके समस्त परिवार को दीपावली के पावन पर्व पर हमारी ओर से हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ।
Aapki zindagi aabad rahe, jagmagati rahe Diwali ke roshan diyej ki tarah yahi hai hamari dua aapke liye…! Happy Diwali
Happy Diwali 2019 HD Pictures, Ultra HD Wallpapers, 3D Images, 4K Photographs, And High-Quality Images For WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Viber, And IMO
Happy Diwali 2019 Wishes, Messages, And Quotes For WhatsApp Status, Instagram Status, Facebook Status, Messenger Status, And IMO Status In English
Hope the festival of lights enlightens your home and heart with peace and serenity. Wishing you loads of joy and happiness on Diwali.
You are so far, fresh Mithai just can’t reach you but fresh wishes can – Happy Diwali!
Diwali is a magical time to celebrate with loved ones. May you get to create special memories with the ones you love, this Diwali. Best wishes!
This Diwali, may you be blessed with good fortune as long as Ganeshji’s trunk, wealth and prosperity as big as his stomach, happiness as sweet as his ladoos and may your trouble be as small as his mouse.
Your dreams are beautiful, may all of them be fulfilled this Diwali.
May the mirth and merriment of the magical festival of lights give you endless moments of joy and love.
May the lights of Diwali diyas fill your home with wealth, happiness, and everything that brings you joy! Wish you and your entire family a very very Happy Diwali!
Fortunate is the one who has learned to admire, but not to envy. Good wishes for a peaceful and prosperous Diwali.
May the divine light of Diwali spread into your life / Peace, prosperity, happiness and good health. Happy Deepawali!
Delightful laddos, Incandecent diyas, whole lot of fun, A big stock of masti, Lots of mithai, Innemurable fireworks. Wishing you a super Diwali.
Light for your bright future, Crackers to demolish your failure, Rangoli for a colorful life. Happy Diwali.
May the beauty of deepavali season fill your home with happiness and may the coming year provide you with all that brings you joy..
May the Festival of Lights — DIWALI dispel darkness, ignorance and evil from the world. Wish you a colorful DIWALI.
May the supreme light of lights, enlighten and enrich your life. Happy Diwali!
May this Diwali brighten up your life with the light of happiness, bliss, wealth, prosperity and devotion. Happy Diwali!
With gleam of diyas and the echo of the chants, may happiness and contentment fill your life. Wish you a very happy and prosperous Diwali!
May the divine light of Diwali shine with peace, prosperity, happiness and good health in your life. Happy Diwali!
Let’s celebrate the festival of life as it brings the happiness, the joy, the hope, and the prosperity in life. Wish you all Happy Diwali!
May the festival of lights dispel darkness, ignorance and evil from the world. Wishing every one a very Happy Diwali!