Happy Dussehra October 25 2020 Images, HD Pictures, Wallpapers, DP, 3D Photographs, And Ultra-HD Photos For WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, And Facebook

On October 25, 2020, this year, India will be celebrating the Dussehra Festival. This festival’s date will change each year. But according to the Hindu calendar, the Dussehra festival falls in the month of Ashvina on the 10th day in particular.

On this day, it is said that Lord Rama fought a battle at Lanka with Ravana, a demon king. On this day, Lord Rama killed Ravana.

Dussehra, which is also known as Vijayadashami, is celebrated on this day. This festival is celebrated after the conclusion of the 9th day, Navratri.

This year alone, Dussehra will be celebrated on October 25, 2020. This day will be celebrated to mark the history of the victory of good over evil.

Significance Of Dussehra October 25, 2020

Dussehra is the festival of victory of good over the bad. On this day, people celebrate this day to help promote positivity in their lives and forget about the bad things that they had done in life. It is a good opportunity to start a new life.

Also on this day, people usually start a new business or make large investments. In some states in India, children are admitted to schools on this day for the first time to have a prosperous and better start in their education path.

Dussehra 2020

This year, we have the coronavirus pandemic, which is really present in the country of India. The coronavirus pandemic has caused the deaths of thousands of people in the country, but as adults, it is our duty to keep our family safe. How can we do this while celebrating Dussehra 2020?

When out celebrating Dussehra this year, you want to practice social distancing. Not only that, you want to wear masks and face shields when going out. If it is possible, try to wear gloves too if you are going to the city on this day. This is a good way to keep the virus away and keep your family and friends safe.

It is also a good day to stay home and celebrate this day with your family only.

Happy Dussehra October 25 2020 Images For WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, And Facebook

Happy Dussehra October 25 2020 HD Pictures For WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, And Facebook

Happy Dussehra October 25 2020 Wallpapers For WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, And Facebook

Happy Dussehra October 25 2020 DP For WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, And Facebook

Happy Dussehra October 25 2020 3D Photographs For WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, And Facebook

Happy Dussehra October 25 2020 Ultra-HD Photos For WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, And Facebook