Happy Thiruvonam Onam 2020 Images, HD Pictures, Ultra-HD Wallpapers, UHD Photos, 4K Photographs, And 3D Images For WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Messenger, And Facebook

Onam, which is also known as Thuruvonam Onam, is a festival that is celebrated in Kerala in order to celebrate the rice harvest. This day falls on the 22nd ankshatra Thirovonam in the Malayalam calendar month of CHingam, which falls in the Gregorian calendar months of August and September.

According to some legends, this day is also celebrated in order to commemorate King Mahabali, whose spirit visited the state of Kerala at the time of Onam.

Onam is a very known as it is a harvest festival and because it is one of the 3 major annual Hindu celebrations. The other 2 are Vishu and Thiruvathira.

Major festivities happen in the state of Thiruvananthapuram, the capital place of Kerala. This festival is a Hindu festival, but non Hindus and other religious people participate in the Onam celebrations as many say it is a cultural festival and has been part of their tradition and rituals.

This year, celebrate Thiruvonam Onam with your friends, family, and loved ones by sending them the best images, pictures, Ultra-HD Wallpapers, UHD Photos, 4K Photographs, And 3D Images that they can find below. Send them the best images that you can find here on WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Messenger, And Facebook so they can start their days in the best way possible.

Happy Thiruvonam Onam 2020 Images For WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Messenger, And Facebook

Happy Thiruvonam Onam 2020 HD Pictures For WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Messenger, And Facebook

Happy Thiruvonam Onam 2020 Ultra-HD Wallpapers Pictures For WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Messenger, And Facebook

Happy Thiruvonam Onam 2020 UHD Photos For WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Messenger, And Facebook

Happy Thiruvonam Onam 2020 4K Photographs For WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Messenger, And Facebook

Happy Thiruvonam Onam 2020 3D Images For WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Messenger, And Facebook