8 Best Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Yellow Nails – Check Now

Stained and Yellow nails, be it on your toes or fingers, can be quite unappealing and may in some cases embarrass you. Many of us suffer from this problem of yellow nails, which occurs among both men and women. While the most common reason for yellow nails is excessive use of nail polish, there could also be other causes like a fungal infection or even a vitamin deficiency, excessive smoking, diabetes, chronic liver disease, kidney disease and poor lifestyle habits.

There are some home remedies to get rid of nail discoloration that is very effective. Here we’ve rounded up some of the quickest, easy, and convenient ways to get rid of yellow nails.

Before trying these simple home remedies for yellow nails, thoroughly remove your nail polish using a cotton ball soaked in nail polish remover. In order to fully treat yellowed nails, the nails themselves have to be bare, with no layers of polish or varnish.

Home Remedies for Yellow Nails:

1. Lemon:

Due to its natural bleaching properties, lemon juice can effectively clean off yellow stains from your nails. It also has antifungal and antibacterial properties that help get rid of any kind of infections, especially fungal infections.


  • Fill a bowl halfway with fresh lemon juice and allow your nails to soak for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Then use a soft toothbrush dipped in lemon juice to gently scrub the yellow discoloration of your nails.
  • Finally, rinse your hands with lukewarm water and then apply a moisturizer to your nails to prevent them from drying out.
  • Repeat this process every day until you are happy with the results.

Alternatively, you can use lemon essential oil. Pour some lemon essential oil into a bowl filled with water and do the same above procedure.

Or, you can simply cut a lemon in half and rub the inside of the lemon onto your nails. Rub the lemon on each nail for about 1 minute and dry them for about 10 minutes before washing off.

2. Whitening Toothpaste

Toothpaste that helps to make your teeth whiter can also be used to remove yellow stains from nails. Containing a little hydrogen peroxide and small granules, toothpaste works great to whiten your nails. Remember, this is not for long-term stains.


  • Apply a thin layer of whitening toothpaste on your nails.
  • Leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes to dry.
  • Using a soft bristled toothbrush, or a nail brush, scrub your nails gently.
  • Make sure you scrub one nail at a time and do so in circular motions.
  • Wash the toothpaste off with cotton balls soaked in lukewarm water.
  • After rinsing off the toothpaste, apply lotion to your hands and nails to keep them hydrated.
  • Repeat the process two or three times per week for a month.

NOTE: Make sure, you use toothpaste with less than 3% hydrogen peroxide content as anything higher could damage your nails.

3. Hydrogen peroxide

Not only does it help disinfect your nails (in case of a fungal infection), hydrogen peroxide also has whitening properties that work wonders on yellow stained nails. But like we mentioned before, make sure to use less than 3% concentration of the solution.


  • Add 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to one-third cup of lukewarm water and mix them well.
  • Now soak your nails in this solution and leave it there for about 10 minutes.
  • Then, using a soft toothbrush, gently scrub your nails with the solution.
  • Wash your hands with lukewarm water once you are done.
  • Do this once a week for several months.
  • Apply a moisturizing lotion after using this remedy, as Hydrogen peroxide can dehydrate your nails

NOTE: For stubborn stains, apply the hydrogen peroxide directly on your nails and lightly scrub them with a soft toothbrush.

4. Baking Soda

The bleaching and exfoliating properties of baking soda can help remove stains from the nails.

Method #1:

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide (3%) with 2 ½ tablespoons of baking soda until you have a paste-like mixture.
  • Consider adding a few drops of lemon juice into this paste to give the mixture even more whitening power.
  • Use an old, soft-bristled toothbrush or cotton swabs to apply and rub this paste onto your stained nails.
  • Leave it on for 2-3 minutes, and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • Be sure to moisturize after using this remedy, as hydrogen peroxide will dry out your hands.
  • Repeat this process every six to eight weeks.

NOTE: If you don’t have baking soda on hand, water can work just as well. You can try mixing 1 part of hydrogen peroxide in 3 parts water to whiten nails. Place the mixture in a small bowl and soak your nails for 10 minutes before rinsing off.

  • Alternatively, you could also create a soak by mixing one tablespoon of baking soda, one-half teaspoon of olive oil and one teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • Rub the mixture on your nails using a soft toothbrush.
  • Leave it on for about five minutes, and then rinse it off with warm water.
  • Repeat this remedy every two weeks.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

The acetic acid and malic acid present in apple cider vinegar will help reduce discoloration of the nails. It also has antifungal properties that will help treat any kind of nail infection that causes discoloration. Plus, ACV will help strengthen and stimulate nail growth.


  • Mix one cup each of apple cider vinegar and lukewarm water in a small bowl.
  • Now, soak your hands in the solution and leave it in for about 20 minutes.
  • Then wash your hands with cold water.
  • Pat dry your nails thoroughly with a soft towel.
  • Apply some olive oil on your nails and cuticles.
  • For effective results, do this 3 times a day for three to four weeks.

6. Orange Peel

The high amount of vitamin C present in orange peel will help remove yellow stains from your nails.


  • Take 2 tablespoons of dried orange peel powder and add a little water to make a thick paste.
  • Apply the paste on your nails using a soft toothbrush and leave it on for 10 minutes
  • Then wash your nails with lukewarm water.
  • Follow this remedy twice daily for 1-2 weeks.

Alternatively, you can rub your nails with fresh orange peel two or three times a day. Within a few weeks, you will see effective results.

7. Denture Cleaning Tablets

Another effective ingredient for stained nails is denture cleaning tablets. Sodium bicarbonate and citric acid present in denture cleaning tablets will help remove many kinds of stains.


  • Dissolve 2-4 denture cleaning tablets in a bowl of lukewarm water.
  • Soak your stained nails in the water for up to 15 minutes.
  • Pat your nails dry using a paper towel and then apply some moisturizer on your hands.
  • Repeat this process three times per week for 1-2 months.

8. Nail buffer

If all else fails, you could use a buffer on your nails to help get rid of the yellowish tinge. Since it gently exfoliates the topmost coat of your nail, it can help lighten the stain.

Prevention Of Yellowed Nails:

A few simple techniques can prevent your nails from becoming yellow in the future.

Avoid dark nail polish: Dark nail polishes have pigments that can discolor your nails if the polish has direct contact with your nails. Try opting for lighter polish colors every once in a while.

Apply a base coat: Before applying a colored polish to your nails, first apply a clear base coat. The thin layer of base coat acts as a barrier to the dyes in the colored polish that can stain your nails and turn them yellow. This clear coat not only protects the nails from becoming stained but also provides a longer-lasting manicure.

If possible, let your nails go polish-free for a few days every once in a while. These polish-free days serve as a sort of recovery period for your nails, allowing them to regain their natural color and surface.