International Day of Non-Violence October 2 Images, HD Photos, Ultra-HD Pictures, 4K Wallpapers, High-Resolution Photographs, And High-Quality Images

On October 2 every year, the world celebrates the International Day of Non-Violence to commemorate the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, a well-known freedom fighter that played a huge role in helping India get its freedom from the British Empire.

In January 2004, Shirin Ebadi, an Iranian Nobel Laureate, took a proposal for an International Day of Non-Violence from a Hindi teacher in Paris that was teaching international students to the World Social Forum in Mumbai.

On June 15, 2007, the United Nations General Assembly voted to establish October 2, 2020, as the International Day of Non-Violence.

The objective of this day is to promote non – violence through education and public awareness. On this day people are educated on forums, the internet, and other ways to make sure they promote peace instead of rush violence. This day is mostly celebrated in countries that have very high crime rates and violence against women.

You can spread this day by sharing amazing images that you can find below on your social media profiles or send them to your friends, families, classmates, and colleagues on WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Messenger, and many more.

International Day of Non-Violence October 2 Images

International Day of Non-Violence October 2 HD Photos

International Day of Non-Violence October 2 Ultra-HD Pictures

International Day of Non-Violence October 2 4K Wallpapers

International Day of Non-Violence October 2 High-Resolution Photographs

International Day of Non-Violence October 2 High-Quality Images

International Day of Non-Violence October 2 Ultra-HD Pictures For WhatsApp

International Day of Non-Violence October 2 Images For Instagram