International Migrants Day Images, HD Pictures, Ultra-HD Photos, High-Resolution Photographs, And High-Quality Photo

Every year since 1990, the world celebrates the International Migrants Day. This was done to celebrate the contribution that is done by migrants to each country.

On December 18, 1990, the General Assembly adopted a resolution on the International Convention on the International Convection on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and the Members of their Families.

As a result, the world celebrates this day each year.

The United Nations uses this day to highlight the contribution the hundreds of millions of migrants have to the economies of each country and to highlight the challenges that they face after moving to a different country. This year, the world will be doing the same thing for migrants from all over the world.

International Migrants Day Images

International Migrants Day HD Pictures

International Migrants Day Ultra-HD Photos

International Migrants Day High-Resolution Photographs

International Migrants Day High-Quality Photo