This Charming Little Irish Girl Explains Exactly Why She Doesn’t Want To Eat Animals

Some of us make pretty mature life choices from an early age. This precious sweetheart is one of them. She was upset that there is turkey on her plate and explains why she doesn’t like it. After hearing this little girl’s heartfelt speech about eating animals, meat lovers everywhere may think twice about their next meal. Have a look!

Watch the heartbreaking video here:

Indie-Rose, 5-year-old Irish girl is at the table with her father when she sobs: ‘I don’t like what people eat – animals. I just don’t want them to be chopped up.’

Her dad argues ‘they taste very good’ and she replies: ‘But I don’t want to kill a horsey…Pigs are nice, chickens are nice and cows are nice. Animals are very nice. Who is chopping them all up?’

She then adds: “Who is chopping them all up?” to which her father replies, “Farmers. It’s how they make their living.”

“I don’t like it when they chop animal people up. If this is how we keep chopping them up there’ll be no more animals,” she replied.

This girl might be young, but she’s wise beyond her years. And according to her mother, Indie-Rose has been vegetarian ever since the incident.