10 Lessons We Need To Learn From Iconographical Attributes Of Lord Shiva

Lord Shiva is one of the three major deities of Hinduism. Shiva means ” Auspicious”. Shiva is treated as infinite. Shiva is also regarded as the patron god of yoga, meditation, and arts. The main iconographical attributes of Shiva are the third eye on his forehead, the snake Vasuki around his neck, the adorning crescent moon, the holy river Ganga flowing from his matted hair, the trishula as his weapon and the damaru as his musical instrument.

What do these attributes symbolize? Have a quick look:

#1. Matted Hair

#2. Third Eye

#3. Trishul

#4. Meditative pose

#5. Ash smeared on body

#6. Blue throat

#7. Dhamru

#8. Ganga

#9. Kamandalam

#10. Serpant around the neck

This helps everyone to handle the worry situations and lead a happy life.