Directed by Tejas Vijay Deoskar ‘Bucket List, is long-awaited debut of Madhuri Dixit in Marathi Films. Story revolves around Madhura Sane( Madhuri Dixit) who lives in Pune and devote her entire time to her family and taking care of them, she later under goes a heart transplant surgery, when she finds out her donor was a 20 year old young girl who died in a car accident and had a full list of her wishes she wanted to do in her life.
Madhura ( Madhuri Dixit) takes it upon herself to cross everything on the list and to complete her bucket list, which becomes a fantastic journey for the character as she discovers herself and makes some tremendous memories which she wouldn’t have experienced. If it wasn’t for the list of her donor and her decision to complete it, which gives a strong message to everyone to have the courage to try something new.
The movie has some funny and very interesting scenes like when she is standing in a queue of a pub and saying “Is it an ATM line thought money problem was over.”What makes Bucket List interesting is when Madhura Sane (Madhuri Dixit) does what a 20-year-old would dream about, which is not typical for someone of her age.
Although, the movie does have some scenes like that it’s not as frequent as it should be because that is what makes this movie enjoyable. However, Bucket List has done fantastic on box office earning 3.66 crores in just 3 days playing on 409 screens, which may not seem a lot compared to Bollywood movies but comparing it to other Marathi movies Bucket List did a fantastic job, with marketing budget not so high and not a lot of screen playing across the county it proves the fan following of Madhuri Dixit and the wait people had for her Marathi Debut.
Earning 7/10 rating on IMDB. However, this movie has played safe to what kind of content it shows, Anything like making a boyfriend or any intimate scene which usually a 20-year-old girl would have. The movie has ignored anything like that keeping movie a family-friendly film.