Maharishi Valmiki Jayanti 2020 Images, HD Pictures, Ultra-HD Wallpapers, 4K Photographs, And High-Quality Photos For WhatsApp Status, Facebook Story, Messenger, And Instagram

Sage Valmiki, who is also known as the first poet and adi kavi, is the author of the Ramayana, a Hindu Epic. His birth anniversary is celebrated as Valmiki Jayanti.

He also appears as one of the characters of Ramayana. He is the monk that takes in Sita, the wife of Lord Rama, into his hermitage and taught her sons Luv and Kush during their exile period.

Maharishi Valmiki was originally born as Ratnakar, his father’s name is Pracheta, a Brahmin. He grew up and became a sage.

With years of meditations and practice, he became so still that ants reportedly formed hills around him. This helped people in India at that time to give him the name Valmiki, which means “the one that was born out from an ant hill”.

Individuals in India on this day are allowed to take a day off, however, it is their choice because it is an optional holiday.

Mostly, Indians celebrate this day and businesses are kept open. This celebration is accepted by almost every single person in the country.

Pargat Diwaas, which is also known as Valmiki Jayanti, is an annual festival that is mostly celebrated by the Valmiki religious group. They celebrate this day to commemorate and celebrate the birth of Valmiki, an ancient poet and philosopher in India. It is believed that they lived around 500 BCE.

This year, stay safe and share the best Maharishi Valmiki Jayanti 2020 Images, HD Pictures, Ultra-HD Wallpapers, 4K Photographs, And High-Quality Photos For WhatsApp Status, Facebook Story, Messenger, And Instagram with your friends and family members.

Maharishi Valmiki Jayanti 2020 Images For WhatsApp Status, Facebook Story, Messenger, And Instagram

Maharishi Valmiki Jayanti 2020 HD Pictures For WhatsApp Status, Facebook Story, Messenger, And Instagram


Maharishi Valmiki Jayanti 2020 Ultra-HD Wallpapers For WhatsApp Status, Facebook Story, Messenger, And Instagram

Maharishi Valmiki Jayanti 2020 4K Photographs For WhatsApp Status, Facebook Story, Messenger, And Instagram


Maharishi Valmiki Jayanti 2020 High-Quality Photos For WhatsApp Status, Facebook Story, Messenger, And Instagram


Happy Valmiki Jayanti 2020 from AIR!