Makar Sankranti 2020 HD Pictures, Images, Ultra-HD Wallpapers, High-Quality Photos, 3D Images, 4K Wallpapers, HD Photos, And Photographs For WhatsApp Status, FB Status, Messenger, Instagram Story, Twitter, iMessage, WeCHat, Viber, IMO, and Line

Agriculture has deep roots with the society of India, and each year, states and different religions in India celebrate to greet the new agriculture year with love and prosperity. For instance, Makar Sankranti is celebrated all over India to welcome the new season of harvest. On this day, people send out images, wallpapers, and pictures to their friends on WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms. The Makar Sankranti festival is celebrated to pull back from unethical and unhealthy behaviors while practicing for a peaceful and positive agricultural year ahead.

The Makar Sankranti festival is celebrated on the date when the Sun begins its Northward movement, and hence, the days become longer than the nights. Usually, the Makar Sankranti falls in the solar month of Makara and Lunar month of Magha, which is also why the festival is called by many as Magha Sankranti and Makar Sankranti.

Makar Sankranti is also celebrated on the sixth-month auspicious phase according to Uttarayana, the Hindu scriptures. This happens on the day of Sankranti, celebrated to welcome a good and abundant agricultural year ahead. In India, Lohri and Makar Sankranti are celebrated all at once. Lohri usually falls one day before Makar Sankranti, and hence, it is celebrated on January 13 this year. People in India celebrate this day by flying kites and handing out sweets to each other.

Makar Sankranti 2020 HD Pictures, Images, Ultra-HD Wallpapers, High-Quality Photos, 3D Images, 4K Wallpapers, HD Photos, And Photographs


Makar Sankranti HD Pictures For WhatsApp Status, FB Status, Messenger, Instagram Story, Twitter, iMessage, WeCHat, Viber, IMO, and Line

Makar Sankranti 2020 HD Pictures, Images, Ultra-HD Wallpapers, High-Quality Photos, 3D Images, 4K Wallpapers, HD Photos, And Photographs For WhatsApp Status, FB Status, Messenger, Instagram Story, Twitter, iMessage, WeCHat, Viber, IMO, and Line