Massive Dust Storm Brings Total Darkness Into Mildura

A massive dust storm brought darkness in Mildura, a town in the northern-west of Victoria, on Tuesday afternoon. The storm was so huge that it blocked away daylight and brought in darkness in just minutes after it hit the town.

Many residents of the town called it as the worst dust storm in the town in the past 40 years. Many videos and pictures were shared online which showed the clouds of dust passing over their town.

The winds were around 60 kilometers per hour when the dust storm hit the town.

According to the Bureau of Meteorology, Victoria, “‏ Impressive vision of the dust storm that moved through Mildura airport at 5 pm. Wind gusts reached 57 km/h in the storm, while Walpeup had gusts to 87 km/h and Hopetoun hit 85 km/h.”

Here are a couple of images that were shared by the residents of Mildura:

The dust storm hit the city by 5 pm with winds over 57 kilometers per hour. The storm brought a stop to all the cars in the town and also activated a few fire alarms in the town, the Country Fire Authority was called in nearly 15 operating businesses.

Flights were also delayed at the Mildura Airport until 8:30 pm, the airport terminal was also evacuated after the dust started to enter the building.