“McDonald’s Never Decompose”: Iceland Livestreams 10-Year-Old McDonald’s Cheeseburger

Hjortur Smarason is the last person from Iceland to buy Hamburger and Fries from McDonald’s when the fast-food chain announced they are going to close in 2009.

Talking about the buy, Hjortur Smarason said, “I had heard that McDonald’s never decompose so I just wanted to see if it was true or not.”

Fast forward to 10 years, the meal that Hjortur Smarason bought looks as he bought it 2 days ago.

Hjortur Smarason places the 2 items in a glass cabinet in Snotra House, a hostel in Southern Iceland.

Observers who visit the hostel are allowed to watch the burger and the fries.

Siggi Sigurdur said, “The old guy is still there, feeling quite well. It still looks quite good actually.”

He added, “It’s a fun thing, of course, but it makes you think about what you are eating. There is no mold, it’s only the paper wrapping that looks old.”

The hostel claims that people who visit Ireland come to the hostel just to see the burger.

Their website gets over 400,000 views per day.

In the last 10 years, the burgers and fries have moved around a lot.

Hjortur Smarason kept the food in a plastic bag in his garage for some time.

But after 3 years, he decided to donate the meal to the National Museum of Iceland, which did not accept his offer because the museum was not equipped to preserve food.

This is not the first time a person has done an experiment that Hjortur Smarason has done.

Karen Hanrahan bought a hamburger in 1996, and 14 years later, the burger did not look different.

In 2010, Sally Davies, a photographer based in New York, bought a Happy Meal and took a before and after an image of the food she bought.

Davies said the food did not rot, smell bad, show any signs of aging, and it did not even develop maggots.

Explaining this event, McDonald’s released a statement in 2013 and said that most foods do not decompose without moisture in the environment. Without moisture, goodwill not decompose because mold or bacteria won’t exist.

Bjorn Adalbjornsson, a Senior lecturer in food science at the University of Iceland, confirmed this explanation and said without moisture, “food will simply dry out.”