Modi Announces Surgical Strike on Indus Water Supply, Stops Indus’s Flow To Pakistan

After an astonishing surgical strike on Pakistan army troops, Prime minister Modi now announced  to terminate the water flow to Pakistan. He declared to redirect the water to Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir then to rest of India.

Modi’s purposeful decision on restriction of Indus river into Pakistan has now earned him huge respect. Although, earlier governments were aware of this flow of water into Pakistan without wetting Indian grappled lands, they never made a move on the issue.

Modi spoke on the issue at the inauguration ceremony of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in Bhatinda.

He said, “Our surgical strike created havoc across border. Pakistan now knows fully well what the Indian Army is capable of”.

He recalled the “Indus Water Treaty” and exposed its loopholes.

“Our farmers have the right over the water that flows through Indus. The government has formed a task force to see what can be done to make maximum use of water that flows to Pakistan under the Indus Water Treaty,” he said.

He mentioned that every farmer will wet his fields now after, no ‘single drop’ of Indus will be allowed into Pakistan.

“The fields of our farmers must have adequate water. Water that belongs to India cannot be allowed to go to Pakistan,” he said.

Modi then took a dig on Congress government, slammed it for its disabled governance on North western part of India. He further said, “Water kept flowing into Pakistan and governments in Delhi came, went, slept, and my farmers kept crying.”

He even made a step forward suggesting the neighboring northwest country. “Instead of waging war against India, Pakistan should fight poverty, black money (and) corruption.”

His decision on demonetization slapped the black money holders, then his surgical strike on Pakistan troops visualized the strength of India. Now his announcement on water supply granted a huge relief to the poor farmers in North western India.