Mum-to-be Honours Her Late Husband In Her Maternity Photoshoot And The Photos Will Melt Your Heart

When someone you love becomes a memory the memory becomes a treasurer. Nicole Bennet’s husband Deonta passed away unexpectedly two months before she’s expected to give birth to their second child. But she found a beautiful way to keep him alive. In order to preserve his memories and make his presence felt forever, Nicole decided to photoshop her deceased husband in her maternity shoot, they were supposed to take together.

God works on mysterious ways, she is smiling knowing that he is with them all the way. It was actually Deonta’s idea to do a maternity shoot with Nicole and their son before her March 25th due date. ‘I wanted to do something special because he’s been there for my son since day one, it’s memories for my son of his father and for my daughter who will never meet her father,’ says Nicole in an interview.

Photographer Sidney Conley, who wanted to make her wish possible, positioned each photo so that he’d be able to add Deonta to it later on. He said, “I wanted her to look at the images and drop her jaw.” (And he sure did!)

Her elder son, Landen, 4 also participated in the shoot and holds the pictures dear. Nicole revealed, “He was like, ‘Mom, how did you put Daddy in the pictures?’ And I was like, well, he’s an angel now, so we had an angel added to our photos.”

Conley posted Bennet’s photography session onto his Facebook page. The photos have since gone viral, where it has been shared over 100,000 times.

Nicole Bennett’s daughter will never meet her father, but she’ll always have a few remarkable photos of him. What a beautiful, soul-touching gesture!