Government Approves Net Neutrality : See What It is

The recent news came up from the capital of India, where the Indian government takes the decision in favour of the citizen of India and approves net neutrality in India. The choice is made for the Indian citizens so that they will use free and fair access to the internet anywhere in India.



The Indian government takes the decision on Wednesday by approving the net neutrality in India.

Statement of Aruna Sundarajan

In a recent interview of Times of India from Aruna Sundarajan who is the Telecom Secretary of India. He said it’s the welcome decision of the Indian government by the citizens of India. Any lack, bane or violation of net neutrality will be corrected by imposing fine and penalties by the committee assigned by the government for net neutrality.

What is net neutrality?

Net neutrality is basically the free online access without any restriction and discrimination. However, the point to be noticed by the citizens of India are some exceptions are found under the net neutrality. As it’s the fact that exception is always there. In net neutrality, the limitations are the use of services like telemedicine, remote-diagnostic and some other.

The services which may be defined as the exception in the above paragraph needs priority internet lanes. Internet which is faster than the average net can help people to enjoy these services too in the net neutrality.



Now the committee which is assigned by the Indian government for the task of net neutrality, working on the more critical exceptions and how they can resolve it for the better experience of net neutrality.

In the recent past net neutrality becomes the topic to discuss. Before India, many other developed countries welcome the net neutrality in their nations. In this digital world, all the global internet providers give control of content to their customers. It helps them to expand their services as well as it provides the well-reputed goodwill in the customer market.

Some people are shocked and feared by the approval of net neutrality in India. They are shocked because they think giving controls overs content and services provide monopoly or it may also cause the paid prioritization.



The expected results of the net neutrality are it may give innovation and startup culture in India