Republic Day 2018 Essays In English, Hindi – Happy Republic Day 26th January Speeches For School Students Teachers In Marathi

Republic Day honours the date on which the Constitution of India came into effect on 26 January 1950 replacing the Government of India Act (1935) as the governing document of India. The Constitution was adopted by the Indian Constituent Assembly on 26 November 1949, and came into effect on 26 January 1950 with a democratic government system, completing the country’s transition towards becoming an independent republic. 26 January was chosen as the Republic day because it was on this day in 1930 when Declaration of Indian Independence (Purna Swaraj) was proclaimed by the Indian National Congress as opposed to the Dominion status offered by British Regime.

January 26 Republic Day 2020 Greetings, Wishes, SMS, And Messages For WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Twitter, And Status In English

Republic day is one of the biggest days in Indian history. Republic Day is celebrated in every school, colleges, universities and every education society with full scope. In these functions and essays writing competition, there are tons of kids participate. So, here are some best collection of Republic day speeches essays in different languages.

Republic Day Speech For Students In English:

Good morning to respected elders and my fellow students, We have assembled here today on the occasion of the Republic Day in India. Moments ago, we have heard the speech from our honourable Chief Guest after hoisting the national flag. The speech was also heard by us from our Teachers and School / College Management. Now I would say for giving me such an excellent possibility to stand here and talk a bit about our precious nation on this Republic day. India is a democratic state.

Autonomy was achieved by India on January 26th 1950. The Constitution of India was formed and as each year we observed Republic Day on this date. In this year we are observing the 65th republic day in India. It can’t mean that just on Republic day we have to remember the sacrifices of our great leaders towards the country but daily we have to recall and commend them.

Republic Day Speech 2018 For Students:

First of all I would like you the make familiar with the meaning of Republic, the word republic represent the system of ruling or government in which the supreme leader of a country (in case of India – the President) is elected by the people, therefore, summarizing the meaning of the word we can say that republic mean by the will of people, But the system of republic in India was not came from the word of mouth, but from the aching hearts of the millions of Indian, after the centuries long foreign rule in the country (India) and interminable pains of the people as it became evident to make Indian free from the foreign rule so it also became inevitable to make a system of government in which the freedom and other rights of the Indian people can be secured in utmost way, therefore, the system of Indian republic became indispensable in context of India. But the Indian Republic Day (26th January) also marked an milestone in the history of India, which is enactment of the Indian constitution (which was enacted on 26th January 1950). Constitution of India is the written security of the rights of People from the governmental tyranny.

Today, we have come a long way into future from the first anniversary of Indian Republic Day, our country in these years have achieved a lot of unprecedented development and a unique place in the world, but still a lot more to be done. The true meaning/ ideals of the democracy are yet to be achieved at all the levels. Our leaders, those who fought for Indian freedom, those who sacrificed everything they had in course of Indian freedom, have always been the source of our inspiration for the service to this mother land. Now, the time is ours we have to make our country more peaceful and to take it to pinnacle of prosperity, this will our tribute to our leaders and our service to this country.

Republic Day 2018 Essays:

Essay 1:

India became republic on 26th January 1950.Republic means self ruled nation.Republic day honors the date on which constitution of India came into force.The constitution of India was approved by Constituent Assembly of India.This day was chosen to honor the day PURNA SWARAJ.Purna Swaraj was declared on 26 January 1930 in Lahore.A committee was appointed to make draft of permanent constitution on 28 August 1947.B R Ambedkar was the chairman of this committee.First a draft of the constitution was prepared by the committee .The committee submitted the draft to the assembly on 4 November 1947.This Assembly conducted open public session for 166 days.It took almost three years (2 years 11 months and 18 days ) to complete final draft of constitution.308 members signed on the two copies of the constitution (one in English and another in Hindi).It is the longest constitution in the world.At that time the constitution had 395 articles, 22 parts and 8 schedules. Dr B.R. Ambedkar is widely regarded as the father of the Indian Constitution.The Republic day is celebrated at Rajpath in New Delhi.The celebration takes place in front of President.The governors also unfurl the Indian flag in their respective state capitals.All states show their main dance or cultural arts on Rajpath in New Delhi.Military parade and activities are very important parts of the celebration.It is one of three national holiday in India.We must watch this sow to know the current scenario of the country, its achievements, mission and vision.Students; being the highest resources of the country; must be taught about the values and importance of Republic day.It is because these youngsters will carve the path of national mission in the future and thus they must be well informed about the set goal, suggested every year by the president of India.

Essay 2:

In the life of every nation there are certain days which are considered as red-letter days. The Republic Day celebration held on 26th January every year in our country is one of those days. It is perhaps the most important day of our country. It marks the birth of our nation as a republic. Therefore this day is celebrated all over the country with great pomp and show.

The origin of Republic day goes back to pre- independence days of 1929, when the Indian National Congress during its Lahore session under the President ship of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru passed a resolution declaring ‘Complete Independence’ as the goal of the nation and decided to celebrate 26th January every year as the Independence day throughout the length and breadth of the country.

From then on till the dawn of independence on Aug. 1947, the nation celebrated 26th Jan. as Independence Day. Later, when India wanted a day to mark its official birth 26th January, the independence day of the pre-independence days was chosen. On this day, 26th Jan. 1950 Indian constitution came into force and India was proclaimed to be a sovereign, democratic and a republic’

Since then 26th Jan. every year has been celebrated as the Republic day in our country. A republic is a state, where the head of the state is elected and that the office is not hereditary.

Republic day is a national festival celebrated all over India with great pomp and grandeur. The main Republic day celebration takes place in New Delhi, the capital of India. A grand Republic day parade is organised on this day. A special guest, normally a high foreign dignitary is invited well in advance to be the chief guest for the function.

The ceremony begins in the morning of 26th January with the laying of a wreath at the Amar Jawan Jyothi at the India Gate by the Prime Minister, as a mark of gratitude to the martyrs who have laid down their lives for the country. At exactly 8.00 a.m. the president reaches the Rajpath along with the Chief Guest. They are welcomed by the Prime Minister and the defence Minister.

On reaching the specially erected podium, the president unfurls the national flag. The Republic day parade begins soon after this. The march is led by heroes of war, the members of armed forces who have received gallantry awards followed by the young boys and girls who have won National Bravery Awards for that year.

Soldiers from different wings of the armed forces, units of paramilitary and police forces march to the tune of the military band. The President takes the salute. A colourful %-past by helicopters and aeroplanes makes the ceremony most spectacular. Folk dances by cultural troupes and various performances are put up by school children to keep the audience spellbound.

The tableaux of states depicting the cultural wonders of the states follow the school children. The procession lasts for several hours and finally ends up at Red Fort. Hundreds of people from far off places come to watch the charming show of military might and national glory.

In the evening, the Raisina Hill, where the Rashtrapathi Bhavan is situated is illuminated, presenting a glittering sight. The Republic Day celebrations last three days and come to an end on the evening of 28th January with the Beating of the Retreat ceremony. It is an impressive ceremony put up by our armed forces. Grand Republic day celebrations are also organised in various state capitals, district headquarters and at the Block and Panchayat levels which are attended by the general public.

Republic day marks the birth of our nation. It is a great day for all of us. It is a day of remembrance, thanksgiving, and rejoicing. It is a day to remember and keep alive the fond memories of national heroes who have shed their blood for the freedom of our nation.

It is also a day of national pledge when we decided to make our country, sovereign, democratic, and republic. A great deal more remains to be done, to achieve this pledge. It is up to you and me to redeem this pledge and make our nation truly democratic and republic. Source

Essay 3:

On 26th January of every year, we celebrate our Republic day. This is India’s national festival and also declared as national holiday. On the eve of Republic day, cultural programmes are arranged in school, colleges and different public places. The political and social meeting also arranged for considering social and national issues. The national flag is furled not only at government offices but also at public places. National anthem beats inspire the countrymen with feelings of patriotism.

The main attraction of Republic day is the special Republic day parade taken out at Rajpath, in front of India gate in our capital Delhi. Early in the morning people from all over India, start to gather at Rajpath to watch this parade. People, who can’t go there, watch it on television. Some foreign ministers are also invited as chief guests on this occasion. Indian Prime minister with other ministers and chiefs of armed forces also arrive at Rajpath. With the arrival of Indian President and foreign chief guest, the national flag furls sky high.

The bravery awards are distributed to brave soldiers, martyrs, brave citizens and brave children. Brave children are brought by elephants on this occasion. After this Republic day parade starts with the flag march of all Indian forces. Indian president takes the salute of all Indian armed forces. Armed strength of the country has been shown in this parade. Tableau from many states of India and Union territories, are the center of attraction for everyone on this occasion. The Rashtrapati Bhawan and important government buildings are decorated with light in the evening.

This is the festival of proud for our nation. Every countryman should participate in this occasion. We should also remember our freedom fighters on this day. This is an occasion of patriotism, unity; peace, love, proud, happiness and inspiration. We should make some principle on this occasion and try to be loyal to our duties and nation. Source

Republic Day Essay In Hindi:

मातृभुमि के सम्मान एवं उसकी आजादी के लिये असंख्य वीरों ने अपने जीवन की आहूति दी थी। देशभक्तों

की गाथाओं से भारतीय इतिहास के पृष्ठ भरे हुए हैं। देशप्रेम की भावना से ओत-प्रोत हजारों की संख्या में भारत माता के वीर सपूतों ने, भारत को स्वतंत्रता दिलाने में अपना सर्वस्य न्योछावर कर दिया था। ऐसे ही महान देशभक्तों के त्याग और बलिदान के परिणाम स्वरूप हमारा देश, गणतान्त्रिक देश हो सका।

गणतन्त्र (गण+तंत्र) का अर्थ है, जनता के द्वारा जनता के लिये शासन। इस व्यवस्था को हम सभी गणतंत्र दिवस के रूप में मनाते हैं। वैसे तो भारत में सभी पर्व बहुत ही धूमधाम से मनाते हैं, परन्तु गणतंत्र दिवस को राष्ट्रीय पर्व के रूप में मनाते हैं। इस पर्व का महत्व इसलिये भी बढ जाता है क्योंकि इसे सभी जाति एवं वर्ग के लोग एक साथ मिलकर मनाते हैं।

गणतंत्र दिवस, 26 जनवरी को ही क्यों मनाते हैं? मित्रों, जब अंग्रेज सरकार की मंशा भारत को एक स्वतंत्र उपनिवेश बनाने की नजर नही आ रही थी, तभी 26 जनवरी 1929 के लाहौर अधिवेशन में जवाहरलाल नेहरु जी की अध्यक्षता में कांग्रेस ने पूर्णस्वराज्य की शपथ ली। पूर्ण स्वराज के अभियान को पूरा करने के लिये सभी आंदोलन तेज कर दिये गये थे। सभी देशभकतों ने अपने-अपने तरीके से आजादी के लिये कमर कस ली थी। एकता में बल है, की भावना को चरितार्थ करती विचारधारा में अंग्रेजों को पिछे हटना पङा। अंतोगत्वा 1947 को भारत आजाद हुआ, तभी यह निर्णय लिया गया कि 26 जनवरी 1929 की निर्णनायक तिथी को गणतंत्र दिवस के रूप में मनायेंगे।

26 जनवरी, 1950 भारतीय इतिहास में इसलिये भी महत्वपूर्ण माना जाता है क्योंकि भारत का संविधान, इसी दिन अस्तित्व मे आया और भारत वास्तव में एक संप्रभु देश बना। भारत का संविधान लिखित एवं सबसे बङा संविधान है। संविधान निर्माण की प्रक्रिया में 2 वर्ष, 11 महिना, 18 दिन लगे थे। भारतीय संविधान के वास्तुकार, भारत रत्न से अलंकृत डॉ.भीमराव अम्बेडकर प्रारूप समिति के अध्यक्ष थे। भारतीय संविधान के निर्माताओं ने विश्व के अनेक संविधानों के अच्छे लक्षणों को अपने संविधान में आत्मसात करने का प्रयास किया है। इस दिन भारत एक सम्पूर्ण गणतान्त्रिक देश बन गया।देश को गौरवशाली गणतन्त्र राष्ट्र बनाने में जिन देशभक्तो ने अपना बलिदान दिया उन्हे याद करके, भावांजली देने का पर्व है, 26 जनवरी।

मित्रो, भारत से व्यपार का इरादा लेकर अंग्रेज भारत आये थे, लेकिन धीरे -धीरे उन्होने यहाँ के राजाओं और सामंतो पर अपनी कूटनीति चालों से अधिकार कर लिया। आजादी कि पहली आग मंगल पांडे ने 1857 में कोलकता के पास बैरकपुर में जलाई थी, किन्तु कुछ संचार संसाधनो की कमी से ये आग ज्वाला न बन सकी परन्तु, इस आग की चिंगारी कभी बुझी न थी। लक्ष्मीबाई से इंदिरागाँधी तक, मंगल पांडे से सुभाष तक, नाना साहेब से सरदार पटेल तक, लाल(लाला लाजपत राय), बाल(बाल गंगाधर तिलक), पाल(विपिन्द्र चन्द्र पाल) हों या गोपाल, गाँधी, नेहरु सभी के ह्रदय में धधक रही थी। 13 अप्रैल 1919 की (जलिया वाला बाग) घटना, भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम की सबसे अधिक दुखदाई घटना थी। जब जनरल डायर के नेतृत्व में अंग्रेजी फौज ने गोलियां चला के निहत्थे, शांत बूढ़ों, महिलाओं और बच्चों सहित सैकड़ों लोगों को मार डाला था और हज़ारों लोगों को घायल कर दिया था। यही वह घटना थी जिसने भगत सिंह और उधम सिंह जैसे, क्रांतीकारियों को जन्म दिया। अहिंसा के पुजारी हों या हिंसात्मक विचारक क्रान्तिकारी, सभी का ह्रदय आजादी की आग से जलने लगा। हर वर्ग भारतमात के चरणों में बलिदान देने को तत्पर था।

अतः 26 जनवरी को उन सभी देशभक्तों को श्रद्धा सुमन अपिर्त करते हुए, गणतंत्र दिवस का राष्ट्रीय पर्व भारतवर्ष के कोने-कोने में बड़े उत्साह तथा हर्षोल्लास के साथ मनाया जाता है। प्रति वर्ष इस दिन प्रभात फेरियां निकाली जाती है। भारत की राजधानी दिल्ली समेत प्रत्येक राज्य तथा विदेषों के भारतीय राजदूतावासों में भी यह त्योहार उल्लास व गर्व से मनाया जाता है।

26 जनवरी का मुख्य समारोह भारत की राजधानी दिल्ली में भव्यता के साथ मनाते हैं। देश के विभिन्न भागों से असंख्य व्यक्ति इस समारोह की शोभा देखने के लिये आते हैं। हमारे सुरक्षा प्रहरी परेड निकाल कर, अपनी आधुनिक सैन्य क्षमता का प्रदर्शन करते हैं तथा सुरक्षा में सक्षम हैं, इस बात का हमें विश्वास दिलाते हैं। परेड विजय चौक से प्रारम्भ होकर राजपथ एवं दिल्ली के अनेक क्षेत्रों से गुजरती हुयी लाल किले पर जाकर समाप्त हो जाती है। परेड शुरू होने से पहले प्रधानमंत्री ‘अमर जवान ज्योति’ पर शहीदों को श्रंद्धांजलि अर्पित करते हैं। राष्ट्रपति अपने अंगरक्षकों के साथ 14 घोड़ों की बग्घी में बैठकर इंडिया गेट पर आते हैं, जहाँ प्रधानमंत्री उनका स्वागत करते हैं। राष्ट्रीय धुन के साथ ध्वजारोहण करते हैं, उन्हें 21 तोपों की सलामी दी जाती है, हवाई जहाजों द्वारा पुष्पवर्षा की जाती है। आकाश में तिरंगे गुब्बारे और सफेद कबूतर छोड़े जाते हैं। जल, थल, वायु तीनों सेनाओं की टुकडि़यां, बैंडो की धुनों पर मार्च करती हैं। पुलिस के जवान, विभिन्न प्रकार के अस्त्र-षस्त्रों, मिसाइलों, टैंको, वायुयानो आदि का प्रदर्षन करते हुए देश के राष्ट्रपति को सलामी देते हैं। सैनिकों का सीना तानकर अपनी साफ-सुथरी वेषभूषा में कदम से कदम मिलाकर चलने का दृष्य बड़ा मनोहारी होता है। यह भव्य दृष्य को देखकर मन में राष्ट्र के प्रति भक्ति तथा ह्रदय में उत्साह का संचार होता है। स्कूल, कॉलेज की छात्र-छात्राएं, एन.सी.सी. की वेशभूषा में सुसज्जित कदम से कदम मिलाकर चलते हुए यह विश्वास उत्पन्न करते हैं कि हमारी दूसरी सुरक्षा पंक्ति अपने कर्तव्य से भलीभांति परिचित हैं। मिलेट्री तथा स्कूलों के अनेक बैंड सारे वातावरण को देशभक्ति तथा राष्ट्र-प्रेम की भावना से गुंजायमान करते हैं। विभिन्न राज्यों की झांकियां वहाँ के सांस्कृतिक जीवन, वेषभूषा, रीति-रिवाजों, औद्योगिक तथा सामाजिक क्षेत्र में आये परिवर्तनों का चित्र प्रस्तुत करती हैं। अनेकता में एकता का ये परिदृष्य अति प्रेरणादायी होता है। गणतन्त्र दिवस की संध्या पर राष्ट्रपति भवन, संसद भवन तथा अन्य सरकारी कार्यालयों पर रौशनी की जाती है।

26 जनवरी का पर्व देशभक्तों के त्याग, तपस्या और बलिदान की अमर कहानी समेटे हुए है। प्रत्येक भारतीय को अपने देश की आजादी प्यारी थी। भारत की भूमि पर पग-पग में उत्सर्ग और शौर्य का इतिहास अंकित है। किसी ने सच ही कहा है- “कण-कण में सोया शहीद, पत्थर-पत्थर इतिहास है।“ ऐसे ही अनेक देशभक्तों की शहादत का परिणाम है, हमारा गणतान्त्रिक देश भारत।

Republic Day 2017 Speech in Marathi:

आपले भारतीय लोक सण साजरे करण्यात फार अग्रभागी आहेतच. पण सर्व भारतीयांना अभिमान वाटावा असे काही राष्ट्रीय सण हि आपण साजरे करतो. त्यापैकी एक म्हणजे ‘प्रजासत्ताक दिन’ हा होय. दर वर्षी जानेवारी महिन्याच्या २६ तारखेला भारताचा ‘प्रजासत्ताक दिन’ साजरा केला जतो. आपला भारत १५ ऑगष्ट १९४७ रोजी स्वतंत्र झाला. पण त्याची लोकशाही राज्य घटना २६ जानेवारी १९५० रोजी अमलात आली. म्हणून हा ‘प्रजासत्ताक दिन म्हणून मानला जातो. आमचा भारत हे एक मोठे लोकशाही राज्य आहे म्हणजे हे लोकांचे, लोकांनी,लोकांसाठी चालविलेले राज्य आहे. हा अधिकार भारताच्या घटनेनुसार २६ जानेवारी १९५० साली मिळाला. त्यादिवसापासून प्रजेची सत्ता सुरु झाली.

हा दिवस भारतात सर्वत्र साजरा केला जातो. भारताच्या राजधानीत या दिवशी सकाळी ध्वजारोहणा नंतर लालकिल्ल्यावरून पंतप्रधान्नांचे राष्ट्राला उद्देशून भाषण होते. या समारंभाचा मुख्य कार्यक्रम भारताची राजधानी दिल्ली येथे होतो.या कार्यक्रमात भारताती सर्व घटकराज्ये भाग घेतात. भारताच्या सर्व क्षेत्रातील वैभवाचे दर्शनघडविणारी भली मोठी मिरवणूक काढतात. प्रत्येक राज्यात, जिल्ह्यात, तालुक्यात, शहरांत आणि गावागावातून ‘प्रजासत्ताक दिन’ साजरा होतो. शाळांतून, सरकारी कार्यालयांतून व अन्यत्रही सकाळी ध्वजवंदन व अन्य मनोरंजनाचे कार्यक्रम होतात.ठिकठीकाणी प्रभातफेर्या भाषणे, प्रदर्शन यांचे आयोजन केले जाते. धाडशी मुलांचा,आणि विविध क्षेत्रात कर्तुत्व गाजविनार्यांचा या दिवशी सरकार तर्फे गौरव केला जातो. अनेक ठिकाणी रात्री रोशनाई केली जाते. प्राथमिक शाळांतून मुलांना खाऊ हि वाटला जातो. मुले हि आनंदित होतात.

शाळांना तोरणे-पताका आपले तिरंगी ध्वज लावली जातात. लहान मोठी मुले तीरंगी ध्वज मोठ्या उत्साहाने हातात घेऊन भारत मातेचा जयघोष करीत प्रभात फेरीत भाग घेतात.सर्व विध्यार्थी अध्यापक, मुख्याध्यापक यांच्या उपस्थितीत ध्वजारोहण केले जाते. शाळेतील, एन. सी. सी. व स्काउट चे विध्यार्थी सुंदर संचलन करतात. शाळेतील वाद्य -वृंदा वरही राष्ट्रीय गाणी वाजविली जातात. तसेच मुले मुली आपापल्या आवडीची राष्ट्रगीते गातात. भाषणे करतात, नंतर सर्वजण राष्ट्रीय एकात्मतेची शपथ घेतो. मुख्याध्यापका कडून गुणी विध्यार्थ्यांचे कौतुक होते व त्यांना सम्मान पत्रे दिली जातात.

या दिवशी संपूर्ण देशभर आनंदाचे व उत्साहाचे वातावरण दिसून येते. पण निव्वळ उत्साहात दिवस साजरा केल्याने आपली जबाबदारी संपत नाही. खरे तर हा प्रतीज्ञेचा दिवस ! लोकशाहीच्या उदघोषाचा दिवस ! प्रत्येक भारतीयाने या महत्वाच्या दिवशी देशासाठी देशहितकारक कार्य करण्याची प्रतीज्ञां केलीच पाहिजे, आणि त्यानुसार वागले पाहिजे. असे राष्ट्रीय दिन साजरे केल्या मुळे प्रत्येकाच्या मनातील राष्ट्रीय भावना राष्ट्र प्रेम अधिक उसळून, उजळून निघते. Source

Republic Day Speech Short For Students:

January 26th or Republic Day is observed as India’s national festival which was declared as national holiday. Independence Day and Gandhi Jayanti are two another national holidays. On 26th of January 1950 our country became totally democratic republic in the Indian Parliament after independence.

Indian army (Army, Navy and Airforce) salutes the President while marching to the Rajpath. Indian army show India’s strength and by presenting all of the great creations like big guns and tanks. Following the army parade, every state reveals their Jhankis showing custom and their culture. Only at that day every Indian should take an oath to develop our country as a peaceful nation. By the end, every pupil gets namkin and sweet and goes with their house happily.

Happy Republic Day 2017 Poems in Hindi:

DESH bahkto ki balidaan se,

SWATNATRA huye hai hum..

koi puche kon ho,

to GRAV se kahenge.

Bhartiya hai hum…

Happy Gantantra Diwas

Hum Bharat maa ke pyare hain,

Bharat humko pyara hai.

shish kataaye hain seema par,

maa ne agar pukara hai.

isake parvat jharne pyare,

isaki nadiyaan pyari hain.

isaki dharti swarn ugalti,

iski aabha nyari hai.

satya, ahinsa manavta ko,

dharm banaya Bharat ne.

unnati path par badhte jaana,

karm banaya Bharat ne.

Bharat ke sab Bharatwaasi,

aman chain ke rakhwaale hain,

kintu samay aa pade kathin to,

shoorveer himmat waale hain.!!!

Safed, hare aur keshariya

in rangon ke sammishran se

bana rashtra dhwaj pyara.

Isaki aan baan shaan

aur maan­sammaan par kurbaan sarvasva humara.

Tab hi kayam rakh paayein

beshkeemati aur aroori

apni aadi aur jantantra.

Sab jan tak uska laabh

pahunchane hum katibaddh hon

is diwas- ­gantantra..

Happy Republic Day Quotes in Telugu:

మైండ్ స్వేచ్ఛ,
పదాలు లో బలం,
మా రక్తం లో ప్యూర్,
అవర్ సోల్స్ లో ప్రైడ్,
మా హృదయాలలో ఉత్సాహము,
రిపబ్లిక్ డే న సెల్యూట్ మా భారతదేశం అనుమతిస్తుంది.
హ్యాపీ రిపబ్లిక్ డే!

మా సాధారణ గ్రౌండ్ కంటే ఇతర కలిసే ఉంటే, నాకు దేశభక్తి తేలియాడుతున్న ఒక గణతంత్ర దినోత్సవం రోజున ప్రదర్శించడానికి కనీసం ఒకసారి, మించి, అజ్ఞాతంగా గుర్తు తెలియజేయండి.

“రిపబ్లిక్ డే ఆన్ యొక్క పుణ్య ప్రతి ఇతర గుర్తుపెట్టుకొని నిర్వర్తించు మరియు వార్షికోత్సవాలు న, సందర్భాలలో అభినందించారు లెట్; మా వ్యవహారాల నిర్వాహకులు ఆనందం కోసం, సంఖ్యలు జోడించండి సంవత్సరాల లెక్కించడానికి కొనసాగవచ్చు వీలు; మేజిక్ మంత్రదండం అంతులేని రాత్రి మలుపు ద్వారా అద్భుతాలు పని కోసం యొక్క ఆశిస్తున్నాము వీలు “

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Republic Day 2018 Essays In English, Hindi – Happy Republic Day 26th January Speeches For School Students Teachers In Marathi

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