Scientists Create New Cowpox-Style Virus That Is Capable Of Killing “Every” Type Of Cancer

Scientists have created a new cowpox-style virus that is capable of killing every type of cancer. CF33, the new treatment, is capable of killing every type of cancer.

Reports suggest that the treatment killed every type of cancer in a Petrie dish and shrunk tumors in mice.

Professor Yuman Fong, a cancer expert from the United States, is currently engineering the treatment.

The drug for the treatment is being developed by Imugene, a biotech company based in Australia.

By next year, testing the treatment of cancer patients will be started.

Professor Fong is currently in Australia organizing clinical trials, which is also expected to take place in foreign countries.

Patients with triple-negative cancer, melanoma, lung cancer, bladder cancer, gastric cancer, and bowel cancer, are some of the types of cancer patients that are going to be treated in the study.

Professor Fong remains positive about the clinical trials even with the fact that success in mice does not ensure the virus is going to treat humans.

Cowpox-Style Virus causes common cold is turned into a treatment for brain cancer by scientists in the US for brain cancer patients.

Cancer in some patients disappeared for years before it made a recurrence, and some patients saw a huge shrinkage in the tumors.

Another drug is similar to this new one.

The Imlygic, which is also known as T-Vec, was found to be able to treat melanoma by helping the immune system to recognize and destroy melanoma  cells and tumors in the body.

Professor Fong said, “There was evidence that viruses could kill cancer from the early 1900s when people vaccinated against rabies had their cancer disappear, they went into remission.”

The only problem with that treatment was that it was too toxic for humans, and it could ended up turning fatal for humans who went through the treatment.

Long story short, if you make a virus that is toxic enough to kill cancer, the biggest problem is that it could also kill a person.

Professor Fong said cowpox, on the other hand, is harmless to humans.

Cowpox along with other viruses managed to kill cancer in the testing phase, and who knows if it could actually work with humans.

Patients that are going to go through the CF33 treatment will have the virus injected directly into their tumors.

Researchers hope the virus would work with humans.

The treatment would infect the cancer cells and make them explode, the immune system would then find the cells in the body, and would kill them, just like all viruses.