Do you have exams next week and want to be at the peak of your cognitive abilities? Well, preparing for tests can be difficult, and sometimes it’s not even clear where to start. Nevertheless, there are several ways how to boost your memory, concentration, and even mood for this period. Here are our seven suggestions on how to prepare for exams well.
1) Start in advance
Begin the preparation well before the test date — this will help you feel calmer and more confident. Try to study in the morning when your brain is active. Do not leave most of the studies for the afternoon when you are more tired.
2) Select an approach according to the format of an exam
Different types of exams require different approaches. So, find out the format of the exam, then you will know exactly how to prepare for it. For an essay, you don’t have to cover the whole subject, so it may be more beneficial to focus on a topic and learn it more deeply, — recommends the essaysmatch expert. On the contrary, a multiple-choice test will require a wider but less detailed understanding of the subject.
3) Intervals are your best allies
For best results, split one subject into pieces and then learn it in short sessions. Make the intervals and do not even think about grinding. It is much better to make one-hour training sessions for 10 days than to study a subject for 10 hours daily.
It takes time to memorize info, but it is proved that the interval method is the most effective. But keep in mind that what works well for one exam may not be the best method for another.
4) Test yourself
Testing yourself is one of the best ways of studying. According to psychologists and neuroscientists, “self-testing” may be one of the most advanced methods to boost your ability to absorb info. This technique helps you understand the concept itself and allows you to check for gaps in your knowledge.
5) Breakfast is a brain food
When preparing for exams, your daily diet should include omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and anthocyanin. Your body needs enough energy, and the brain’s ability to concentrate directly depends on the energy supply in the form of glucose. Studies show that people who have breakfast have better exams because they find it easier to concentrate and remember the info.
So start your day with carbohydrates that will slowly release energy during the morning: oatmeal, whole grain bread, or low sugar muesli. You also need to supplement the diet with proteins: a small amount of milk, yogurt, or eggs.
6) Regular breaks, fresh air, and sport
Only 15 minutes of walking and listening to the twittering of birds will benefit you. Pauses between studying give you a better chance of remembering what you were working on. Your body and your mind are linked. Exercise provides blood flow, delivering more oxygen to the brain, and helping it function better — exactly what you need during your exams.
7) Sleep well
The night before the test you have to sleep well — but this rule also applies to the entire period of preparation for the tests. It means that you can wake up early, well-rested, and ready to start implementing the plan of the day.
Finally, try to stay calm and positive throughout the studying. If you have a bad day, do not let it affect how you study a day later. Good luck!