The Size And Shape Of Your Hand Says A Lot About Your Personality

Do you know that the size of your hands can say something about your personality? The size of one’s hand can actually say more than you think. In palmistry, the size of the palm is one of the most important factors. To see if this is true for you, follow the steps given below.

Measure your hands:

Size And Shape Of Your Hand Says A Lot About Your Personality (4)

First, start by measuring your hands properly. You can do this by simply placing your thumb at your elbow and stretching out your hand.

If you cannot easily able to reach your wrist, you have small hands. Otherwise, you have proportionally large hands.

Small Hands:

  • People with smaller hands are said to be susceptible to take more risk, have adventurous spirit. If you encounter problems, you’re willing to face and solve it instead of running away – an admirable trait.
  • You are fairly logical and have direct approach to a problem.
  • People with smaller hands are generous, practical, down-to-earth but very often have dramatic relationships.
  • You don’t really care about small things, you focus on the big picture instead. But, the lack of carefulness makes you often make the same mistake over and over again.
  • People with smaller hands have such a big heart.
  • People with small hands take immediate action

Big Hands:

  • People with large hands are perfectionists, good at analyzing, and probably good at mathematics too.
  • You always notice small, trivial detals, which makes you sluggish and slow in action, but it also makes you a great worker.
  • People with large hands are also sensitive and shy in nature.
  • You have a pair of skillful hands and likely to success in work.
  • You tend to overreact, but you’re at least conscious of that fact. You care deeply for other people, sometimes holding them in higher regard than yourself.

The shape of your palm also plays a role.

  • People with square palms are practical and logical. They are usually excellent mathematicians. They always take the logical approach instead of following their instinct.
  • People with long hands and square palms are sensitive and adventurous (a fun combination).
  • People who have rectangular palms tend to take quick action to solve problems. They are more intuitive as opposed to those with square palms.
  • People with short fingers are very good leaders. Meanwhile, longer fingers can indicate a curious personality.

Isn’t it interesting how your hands were connected to your personality?!