They’re Triplets: Extremely Rare Barbary Lion Cubs Born In Czech Zoo, Only 100 Left In The World!

3 extremely-rare Barbary Lion cubs were born in a Czech Zoo, which have been marked as a vital contribution to a small surviving population of the rare lion subspecies.

The Barbary Lion Cubs are currently extinct in the wild.

The triplets, all female, were born on July 5, 2020, in the Dvur Kralove Park in Czech.

They have officially taken their first steps in their outdoor enclosures this week under the eyes of Khalila, their mother.

They are yet to be named.

The Barbary Lions once roamed in Northern Africa and were once considered as the biggest lion subspecies.

They were almost completely wiped out due to human activities.

Most of the Barbary lions were killed by gladiators in Roman times and the left were wiped out by human activities such as mining, logging, and hunting.

Experts said that the Barbary Lions went completely extinct in the wild in the middle of the 1960s.

Some of the left in captivity were with the King of Morocco.

The Dvur Kralove Park in Czech is currently part of a pan-European endangered species program that coordinates efforts for their survival in captivity.

There are around 100 Barbary Lions in captivity around the world right now.