Top Misconceptions About Private Schools

To some people, private schools conjure an image of conservatism, opulence, and extreme exclusivity. A lot of these ideas come from, as always, the media who likes poking fun and magnifying stereotypes. For instance, in the show Gilmore Girls, we see Rory Gilmore struggling to adapt to the shock of private school culture as she transitions from her old school.

While most of it is true, the exclusivity, the obscure subjects, and indeed the campus culture, a lot of the negative stereotypes are total myths. So before you shun the idea of enrolling your kids in Singapore private schools, here are some of the misconceptions you should get rid of.

It’s only for the wealthy

While some schools do charge a bit to make a little fortune, there’s a huge percentage of students enrolled who come from families with incomes below $50,000. There are a number of private schools who fit the middle class demographic, and with a slew of financial aid, grants, and scholarships, a lot of students from the middle to low income bracket can get the help they need to get a private school education.

Only A+ plus students are allowed

The fact is, all schools will obviously want students who excel in their subjects. However, this isn’t the only criteria to get into a private school. In fact accolades your kids are getting in sports, arts, and other extra-curricular activities also hold weight in the screening process. Not to mention, students who show promise and certain personality traits that the school finds important to harbour and help improve area accepted.

Private schools aren’t diverse

All types of schools have been aiming for a more diverse learning environment, at the forefront of which are institutions like international schools, boarding schools, and private schools. Parents are more likely to find students who come from different ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds in these schools than in any other type of school.

Students get guaranteed admission if they’re legacy

Legacy means that you have family members who went to the private school already. While it might help to get your kids’ applications review, it’s still not a guarantee that they’ll be able to get in. However, if they do have a sibling currently enrolled in school, it might give them a pretty good shot at getting admitted. This is because private schools believe in partnership between the institution, the parents, and the children. If they are already familiar with your family, chances are they’ll want to continue their partnership with you. Just make sure that your kids also have the personality, work ethic, and credentials to back it up.

Private schools can get you into any college

Surely a lot of private school students wish this were true, but alas, it isn’t. The edge of private schools is they offer subjects that are not commonly available in any other school like a medical or entrepreneurship track program. However, getting into a university of their choice will still depend on how well they perform in school and on their SATs.

It’s easy to form an opinion on private schools as peckish and snobbish from how it’s being portrayed in the media. But the truth is, private schools are only different from other schools because it isn’t state sanctioned. So consider those private school myths debunked!