In the History of mankind there two nuclear bombs that are involved in warfare they are ‘Little Boy’ and ‘Fat Man’. During World War II, that occurred in 1945 August nuclear bombs are first experimented by the United States on “Hiroshima and Nagasaki”. These bombs killed about 1, 29, 000 people in those areas. Till now there are some countries like the United States and Russia who own around 90 percent of these bombs. These nuclear bombs are the deadliest weapon ever used or existed.
The Soviet Union first fired the nuclear bombs exactly 4 years after the blasts in Hiroshima and Nagasaki that is in the year August 29, 1949. The primary nuclear testing site for the Soviet Union is about 22.4 Kiloton RDS-1 which is also known as ‘First Lighting’. Semipalatinsk is the site selected in 1947 Lavrenity Beria, the head of Soviet atomic bomb project, a region to inhabit an area around 18,000 square kilometers.
According to the present situation, there are so many atomic tests created a lot of atomic lakes in this region. The land is very much contaminated that it can carry hundred times more tritium than recommended and even a single fish can`t sustain in such lands. Even you cannot find a single fence in this area and no warnings displayed there saying that the land is contaminated. Due to this Kazakh Shepherds graze their animals on those lands. In spite of this, the government has shared some amount of land for beryllium coal and gold mining which is estimated as 80%.
It is proved that hundreds and thousands of people are suffering due to this radiation. According to Kazakhstaan`s Research Institute for Radiation Medicine and ecology. In 1991, this site has been closed after the fall of the USSR. People affected by this radiation are suffering from genetic diseases, leukemia, infertility and cancer which are very common in this region.