[VIDEO] This Working Woman Was Raped by Her Office Colleague – What happens in the END Will Shock You

What would you do when you randomly find something fishy about your wife that you shouldn’t have found at the first place? This film on a House Wife’s Secrets will turn your life upside down.

This short film is a story of a Beautiful House Wife and her Secrets about her being RAPED. Can a woman go to this extent? Is this wife justified or she is Characterless? Only the END of this film will answer the question. What happens in the end will shock you and gives you goose bumps. Do watch the film and comment below about your thoughts on the same.

Warning: The END cannot be missed..!!

She wasn’t actually raped. She wanted to stay with her husband and take care of him (which she is actually doing). She just did not want a child from him, so she had intercourse with a friend of hers to get a normal child and the rape was only to cover her future in case she fell in trouble.

This film is another thriller after the previous version of “Lunch with My Friends Wife.”