Can you imagine the earth ‘breathing’? A fascinating video of what appears to be the ground ‘breathing’ has spread like wildfire on social media recently. The eerie footage was captured by Brian Nuttall at Apple River in Nova Scotia on October 31, 2015.
Watch the video here:
From the grainy footage, it’s still hard to tell what exactly is going on. However, Nuttall has his own, fairly concrete, theory on the weird goings-on. Here’s what he wrote, also explaining the reason behind this unnatural phenomenon on his Facebook post.
“As I entered a patch of trees spared from clear cutting, I noticed the ground moving. I believe the larger trees are doomed to blow down but are currently spared, the smaller trees around them help hold each other up, as the wind pushes the trees into one another.
I feel the trees didn’t grow deep strong roots as they wouldn’t be needed when surrounded by a forest, sheltered with strength in numbers unlike a tree found alone in a pasture. The punishing prevailing winds have taken their toll on the side hill, the roots have loosened and the mossy ground from the once shaded forest floor is giving way, soon to be toppled over.”