What Your Favorite Color Reveals About Your Personality And Sexual Style? Check Out!

Everyone probably has a favorite color, but have you ever thought of considering why it’s your favorite? We always ask people what their favorite color is, but we never follow up and ask, “Why?” Chances are you’ve never done it because you’ve never even thought about it yourself.

Your favorite might be more than just a visual preference. But it might reveal something you never knew about yourself. While reading this article, you’ll probably start to wonder what it is that attracts you to choose certain colors as your favorite.

You may like One color and dislike another, but there’s an explanation for everything in psychology and your favorite color reveals secrets about your personality, you may not exhibit all the characteristics according to your favorite color but you will find your character traits somewhere in the description.

So, let us discuss what does your favorite say about you?

1. Red:

If red is your favorite color, you’re fiery and energetic and people generally see you as someone with a strong personality. It connotes confidence and passion and can produce feelings of craving, whether for food or sex. Red lovers are easily aroused and once the sexual spark is ignited, it may take hours to extinguish.

Being an extrovert, and someone who needs to live that fantastic life, ‘Reds’ will not wait to store up any emotions building but will let them go as it happens. This can lead to ‘Reds’ going through a plethora of emotions, riding a roller coaster if you will, feeling many ups and downs in their mood.

Live life to the fullest is your mantra. From the tastes and the sights to the smell, you won’t back down till you see ALL the world has to offer.

2. Blue:

If blue is your favorite color, you’re energized and invigorated by clear skies, and you could really live without grey days. Affectionate and exuding inner peace, people who love blue make wonderful sex partners, sensitive to their partner’s needs, and invested in making love into a fine art.

As a blue-leaning person, you love your bouts of nostalgia. Revisiting the past is, like, your thing. Generally, you base your decisions on how you feel rather than what’s logical. This is especially true when it comes to romantic relationships, as you’re not one to bottle up your emotions.

3. Green:

If you love the color green, you’re a born lover of nature. Even when you can’t go outside, simply seeing the green of leaves and trees always immediately brightens your mood. Green wearers balance the mental clarity of yellow and the emotional depth of blue. They know the type of partner they’re looking for and are willing to commit fully when they find it.

This could reveal why so many ‘Greens’ are resistant to change and will do their best to protect their interests and a great life. With all of this, however, may come the need to seek affirmation and affection constantly, as validation becomes a rare and sought after notion.

4. Black:

If black is your favorite color, chances are that you’re a tough one to pin down. You’re rebellious, adventurous and snarky, with an air of mystery about you. Black connotes mystery and hidden charms, but also hidden agendas. Many lovers of black clothes are masochistic or sadistic in nature and love the dynamic of serious power play in the bedroom.

You want power and prestige and you are not afraid of going after what you want. You are charming and stylish, your charm attracts everyone towards you and you take a good advantage of it. But at heart, you are emotional at times, but you never show your emotions to others, you just keep it to yourself.

5. White:

If white is your favorite color, you likely have a bright and sunny disposition. You prefer things to be neat and tidy, disliking clutter or filthy spaces. White lovers crave simplicity, which can either manifest as an uncomplicated casual relationship or the reliable routine of marriage.

With a tendency for fanatical perfection, whites can sometimes be prudish, not wanting any of their physical ‘flaws’ to be seen in the light.

6. Orange:

Lovers of the color orange are happy-go-lucky, loving the sun and warm days at the beach. You’re very joyful, and that energy propels you through life, allowing you to do anything you set your mind to. While impulsive and risk-taking, orange also connotes great communication and positive spirit.

You can count on someone who loves the color orange to engage with you in conversation and steer it into spirited new directions, right up until you’re undressing each other.

7. Pink:

If you love the color pink, chances are you have a playful nature and are drawn to cute things. You’re overall sweet, outgoing and happy with the general state of things.

Pink lovers embrace sensuality and are likely to spend time indulging their bodies with massage or baths, inviting you to join them on their journey of self-love and nurturing. Sex can be wild, but it’s always fulfilling, as pink lovers won’t rest until each partner is satisfied.

8. Purple:

If you love the color purple, you’re probably quite regal and you love to live it up. You’re not afraid to splurge every once in a while on something that matters to you, but you never go too far overboard.

Spiritual people often lost in the world of imagination, purple lovers are also great candidates for sexual fantasy and role play, getting caught up on everything from the sexy story to the details of the costumes.

9. Yellow:

If yellow is your favorite color you’ve got a vibrant, warm personality with boundless energy. It’s easy for you to make the people around you happier, which brings you, even more, joy in turn. Complications often come along with yellow, whether it’s the need for an additional sexual partner, or another ‘appetite’ demanding attention.

Many ‘Yellows’ may carry a sense of disappointment or emptiness in the form of their unmet potential and ideas but have major strength when it comes to organized thinking and working diligently.

10. Grey:

If you love the color grey, your life is governed by balance. You always know how to keep your cool, and you remain totally unbiased when you find yourself in the middle of an argument between friends. Men who wear gray might look at sex as a way of relieving tension and women might be focused on having sex to procreate or accommodate their partner.

While gray can be formal and elegant, it’s not glamorous or attention-seeking in any way. Conservative and self-sufficient, a gray wearer may find themselves lonely from shutting down their emotions when it comes to new relationships.

11. Brown:

‘Browns’ are hard workers. They know that to get something out of life, you need to put in some time and effort and because of this most ‘Browns’ tend to be steadfast and tenacious.

Brown lovers tend to be warm and deep, sensitive to the needs and desires of their partners. Down-to-earth and extremely loyal, browns may be fearful of losing ‘control’ during sex which can be overcome with intensely intimate foreplay that ensures there is all the time and privacy in the world for emotions to blossom.

Now, did you get to know about your personality?