Indian Official Drinks Hand Sanitizer After Mistaking It For Water
An Indian authority was caught on camera drinking hand sanitizer after mistaking it for water.
Ramesh Pawar, the official was caught drinking the hand sanitizer after they mistook it for a bottle of water during a public meeting.
Pawar was at a budget committee hearing in Mumbai, India, earlier this week.
The official said that they thought it was water, but upon drinking it a person around him rushed to warm him that it was hand gel.
In the video, you can see Pawar showing documents to the audience at the public meeting before sitting down.
After some time, he grabbed a bottle containing clear liquid.
The unscrewed the top and started to drink.
The official immediately noticed his mistake and spat out the hand sanitizer while others rushed to help him out.
A colleague then handed the authority a genuine bottle of water to the grateful Pawar, who then went out of the chamber.
Ramesh Pawar is the Deputy Commissioner of the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation.
The accident happened at a presentation in Maharashtra, Mumbai.
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