Indian Police Officer Uses His Horse To Spread Awareness About COVID-19
Last month, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that the entire country of India, which has over 1.3 billion residents, will be going into lockdown so it could stop the virus from spreading in the country.
Residents, state governments, and authorities are taking all measures to spread awareness about the virus.
A police officer from Andhra Pradesh is currently taking all possible measures to spread awareness about the highly contagious COVID-19.
On Tuesday this week, Sub-Inspector Maruti Sankar was caught on cam riding a horse in the Pyapili Town of Kurnool District.
Andhra Pradesh: Sub Inspector Maruti Sankar, Peapally Mandal, Kurnool district rides a horse painted with images of #COVID19 virus, to create awareness among the public about the pandemic pic.twitter.com/xIFsktWahG
— ANI (@ANI) March 31, 2020
While there is nothing unusual about this act, but the body of the horse was the one that caught our attention.
The body of the white horse had red circles dotted with lines, which resembles the structure of the contagious virus.
The police officer roams the outside residential colonies of the area in a bid to raise awareness and urge people to take all necessary measures to contain the spread of the virus.
Coronavirus India
On March 25, 2020, India entered total lockdown after authorities saw a huge spine in coronavirus cases in the country.
“There will be a total ban on venturing out of your homes,” Mr. Modi said in a televised address.
As of writing this article, there have been 2,543 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in the country.
The virus has caused the deaths of 72 people.
Only 191 people have recovered from the deadly virus in India.