Meet Nick Vujicic – An Inspiring Man Born With No Limbs [VIDEO]

This amazing story of 33-year-old ‘Nick Vujicic,’ who was born with Tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterised by the absence of limbs, is an evidence of how strong the human spirit can be and how overcoming obstacles is possible, no matter what physical impediments we may have.

Australian-born Nick Vujicic has no arms and legs, but he doesn’t let his disability to stop him. Though he struggles with some practicalities of everyday living, he has become an in-demand inspirational speaker. Also, he is the president of motivational speech marketer ‘Attitude is Altitude’.

There is no medical explanation for Vujicic’s physical disability. He has a small foot on his left hip which helps him balance. He can type, pick things up between his toes and even kick a ball. The self-confessed adrenalin junkie regularly swims and has gone skydiving.

Confidence didn’t come naturally to Nick. He struggled with depression and was bullied at school. Many times in his young life, he even contemplated suicide. Thanks to his supportive parents and the grace of god, Nick realizes how beautiful he is and how he can do mighty things, even without limbs.

Nick’s father, who was a computer programmer, taught his little son how to type with his toe at just 6 years old. His mother invented a special plastic device with which he could hold a pen and pencil. Despite the risk of bullying, his parents allowed Nick to attend the mainstream school.

Over time, Nick worked on adopting a positive attitude, and, at 17, an encounter with his high school janitor inspired him to go into public speaking. He now travels the world addressing huge crowds, including business groups and schoolchildren. He has visited more than 50 countries and given thousands of talks.

The author of memoir ‘Love Without Limits’ now lives in California with his wife, Kanae, and their 2 children. Vujicic runs a non-profit ministry, Life Without Limbs, as well as Attitude is Altitude, which markets his motivational speeches and campaigns against bullying.

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And while we may think to ourselves that we are so grateful for the abilities we have, isn’t it inspirational that at the end of the day, Nick is equally grateful for what he has been given in his life?

Don’t let your circumstances dictate your life, overcome them and succeed.