Acid Attack Victim Says “It’s Hard To Look In Mirror”
38-year-old Teresa Townsley, an acid attack victim, said she has a hard time looking in the mirror since the day she was attacked.
A year after the incident, Teresa appealed for information.
Teresa had a corrosive liquid thrown at her when she answered the door at her house in Edinburgh to a man who was wearing a tracksuit in 2018.
The track-suited man left the scene in a stolen grey Ford Fiesta and Teresa was left with burns to her face.
She also lost a part of her ear.
On the anniversary of the attack, Teresa spoke about the incident and appealed for information to arrest the person who did the horrible act to her.
Teresa said, “It was the worst day of my life and today is the second-worst as it brings it all back. Fortunately, I have a new partner who is being tremendously supportive and I have my kids to keep me going.”
She added, “But, day to day it is still hard, it is hard just to go out of the house, to look in the mirror. Most of the time I am confined to the house.”
After the incident, Teresa moved out of Edinburgh.
Teresa said the man is around 5 feet and 11 inches tall, was in his early 20s and was slim.
The man was wearing a dark-colored tracksuit, a grey top, a hood pulled up, dark gloves, and trainers with light reflective sections.
The face of the attacker was covered when the attack happened.
Teresa said, “If anyone knows anything then they must come forward. I am scarred for life and coming forward with information could prevent someone else suffering as I have. It may even prevent someone losing their life.”
Authorities said the car was last seen on the day of the incident by 9:45 pm and was seen traveling north in Drum Street.
The car then went to Gilmerton Road and into Glenallan Drive. It was later sent fire on Inch Park.
Jonathan Pleasance, the Detective Inspector of the case, said, “The attacker targeted Teresa at her front door while her young children were just a few feet away. This serious assault resulted in life-changing injuries and also shocked the local community.”
He added, “If you recognize the man described or saw the car, before or after the attack, please contact the police immediately. I am confident that there are people in the Gilmerton area who have information that can assist the inquiry and I would urge them to come forward.”
If you have any details about the incident, please call Gayfield CID on 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
The incident happened on November 9, 2018.
God bless you Teresa, we hope the authorities catch the attacker in the near future.