Massive Mystery Predator Devours Alligator Corpse 1.5 Miles Beneath The Ocean

Scientists dropped 3 alligator corpses at the depth of 1.5 miles into the ocean for a study, but upon further investigation, they were shocked to find out that something massive devoured one of the gators completely.

A mystery massive predator devoured an alligator corpse after researchers left it underwater for an ocean study.

Researchers threw 3 dead reptiles at a depth of 1.5 miles in the Gulf of Mexico to understand how carbon-hungry creatures of the deep would react.

One alligator, which had a weight of nearly 39 kilograms, was pulled 30ft through the sand and was devoured by a mystery predator.

The rope was bitten completely through, allowing the mystery predator to carry away its meal.

The researchers returned to the drop zone 8 days after throwing the gators only to find nothing was left there.

Another alligator had its bones picked clean within a few weeks and a third one was devoured by deep-sea crustaceans.

Dr. Craig McClain, a professor at the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, organized the dropped.

Talking about the massive predator, Dr. McClain said, “We have no video evidence for what removed that alligator. Through a process of reasoning and exploring different options, we think that one of two species of shark is the most likely candidate.”

He added, “However, this remains a hypothesis at this time.”

It is believed that the predator might be a Greenland Shark or a Sixgill Shark.

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