Google Directed To Remove Jail Photos By France After Criminal Escapes By Helicopter

The French government has directed the US based IT company, Google, to remove all the photos of prisons from the Internet. The order also included the prison from which a notorious criminal known as “the jailbreak king” escaped by using a helicopter this year.

As per the statement given by Justice Minister Nicole Belloubet, a written directive has been sent to the Internet search engine to request the removal of sensitive photos, but as for now no action has been taken.

“It’s not normal that photos of security buildings such as our prisons are out there on the Internet,” Belloubet said in an interview on RTL radio station.

“I’ve written to Google asking for action to remove (photos of) these penitentiary sites but nothing has happened so far,” she said. “I may have to ask to meet the people I wrote to.”

According to a Google spokesman, the company’s applications such as Google Maps and Google Earth drew on images from external sources.

“We have given our suppliers a list of sensitive locations and asked them to take the necessary steps as soon as possible to conform with the law,” said the spokesman, adding that the detailed list also included nuclear plants and army bases.

The minister was giving details of the case of Redoine Faid, of how he managed to escape in July from the open courtyard of a jail complex located south of Paris and this in turn compelled the authorities to utilize anti-helicopter nets in future. The same event led to the fact that the photos of the site were clear on the internet.

After his escape then, it took for the French authorities to recapture in him after a total of three months and that was in the last week. His escape this time was done with the help of hijacked helicopter in the yard of Reau prison where his accomplices hacked their way into an adjacent visitor room with the help of power grinders to free him and flew him away.

Earlier to that, he managed to escape by using dynamite to blast his way out of another prison. Faid had been a serial robber jailed for a botched cash-transport truck heist in which a policewoman died.

Faid was, according to Belloubet, in solitary confinement and was banned from receiving any kind of visit at his new prison in northern France, the photos of the same are easily available on the internet.

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