Neha Dhupia the Bollywood actress is now in controversy for making against comments on Narendra Modi. She took Twitter by storm on Tuesday night after she shared some words of advice for good governance after getting fed up with the Traffic in Mumbai that happened due to water logging.
Neha Dhupia continued to trend on the4 micro-blogging site throughout Tuesday night till Wednesday afternoon. The Julie actor tweeted “One rain and the city comes to a standstill. Good governance is not about selfies and making us do yoga, it’s making sure your citizens are safe.”
One rain n the city comes to a standstill. Good governance is not about selfies n makin us do yoga,it’s making sure ur citizens r safe.
— Neha Dhupia (@NehaDhupia) July 21, 2015
Good governance is not about selfies and making us do yoga: Neha Dhupia
Notably, the 34-year-old actor tried to target PM Narendra Modi’s “Selfie with Daughter” initiative and the mass yoga organisation on International Yoga Day.
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Neha Dhupia posted considering the heavy rains in Mumbai. Modi followers are not happy with women and lashed at her. The tweet started trending within a few minutes and many have criticised her statement. Modi followers posted several hatred and sexy comments on her character and all. Meanwhile Neha Dhupia followers entered and this went into a big scene all over internet.
Here are some Twitter Tweets against her:
All flop actresses like neha dhupia just to gain publicity put all crap against modi ji This is became trend to criticize modi 2 be popular
— HARSHvardhan (@talktovardhan) July 21, 2015
Stop responding B grade actress like @NehaDhupia who can even open her legs for publicity and money
— Prabhu kadode (@prabhulingaa) July 21, 2015
Neha Dhupia’s T-shirt making more sense then her
— Rishi Bagree (@rishibagree) July 21, 2015
1st Shruti Seth & now Neha Dhupia. Apart from criticising Modi, can’t all C-grade actresses find some other way 2claim Few-Hours-Fame on net
— Salil Kapoor (@Salil_Kapoor) July 21, 2015
Some did come to her rescue:
Those trolling Neha Dhupia..busy finding her history etc, how easily did u skip this responsible citizen tweet ?
— Tanya $™ (@tanya_s94) July 21, 2015
Attacks on Neha Dhupia only prove that BJP supporters are largely abusive, sexually repressed, and misogynists. Just like their ‘leaders.’
— lindsay pereira (@lindsaypereira) July 21, 2015
respect for neha dhupia. modi hasn’t unclogged one single sewage pipe in last one year. constitution says pm is supposed to clean sewers.
— Udaas Priest (@UdaasPriest) July 21, 2015
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Neha Dhupia’s tweet went crazy and was retweeted 3,418 times along with 2,761 favorites. Some time ago actress Shruti Seth faced a lot of flak when she had made a remark about the #SelfieWithDaughter trend. Another Bollywood bold actress Richa Chadha recently said that Modi’s initiative is sweet but “Women’s problems cannot be solved by selfie.”