Tamil Nadu is currently facing its heaviest rains in over a 100 years. So far, the rains have claimed more than 250 lives, and hundreds are still left stranded. As Chennai drowns from the heavy rains it has received over the past few days, news channels have been covering the events around the clock to bring the latest developments to a nation glued in on the issue.
Several media houses have their reporters on the ground, covering the floods non-stop and reaching crucial information to people. But one channel took gimmicks to the next level with the help of some strange GFX.
Move over @BDUTT; your coverage of J&K floods was nothing compared to THIS! (:-/)
This year’s #Emmy goes to her. pic.twitter.com/n7iCH6U10K— Akash Banerjee (@akashbanerjee) December 2, 2015
Tez News Channel (part of India Today) decided to trivialise the crisis by trying show their viewers that they were in on the action… quite literally. They used special effects to claim that the news anchor was steadily drowning in the rising waters.
The show News Le Lo News started with their smartly dressed anchor standing in flood water, which slowly rose to her waist. But the substandard graphics reveal that she was very much in the studio, and the visual was a very poorly doctored one.
The anchor says at the very beginning “You must be wondering where I am. I am in Chennai to take stock of the situation.”
Watch the video here:
The video has been panned on Twitter for promoting sensationalism in times of acute distress of so many in a state struggling to cope.
What was the need of creating such a false picture with regard to such a serious issue like Chennai Floods? For Promotion or for TRP? Express your views in the comment section below.