IBPS CWE Clerk IV Exam Syllabus & Exam Pattern Pdf Free Download
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection will organize IBPS CWE Clerk Exam 2014 for recruit approx. 3000 clerk posts in 19 public sector banks. There are many students are applying for this recruitment. Candidates are searching regularly IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2014 on internet. IBPS will conduct IBPS CWE Clerk Examination 2014 from 06th December 2014 to 27th December 2014. More information about IBPS Clerk Syllabus PDF File Download 2014 is given below.
IBPS CWE IV Syllabus Clerk Exam Pattern:
Participants who are successfully completed their IBPS Online Application Form / IBPS Online Registration they must aware about the IBPS Study Material and IBPS Syllabus Pdf. Students firstly check IBPS Exam Pattern before start their preparations. Now check Latest IBPS Syllabus in detail and Preparation guide for IBPS exam.
Sr.No. | (Objective) Paper Name | Marks |
1 | IBPS Clerk Reasoning Syllabus | 40 |
2 | IBPS Clerk English Language Syllabus | 40 |
3 | IBPS Clerk Numerical Ability Syllabus | 40 |
4 | IBPS Clerk General Awareness Syllabus | 40 |
5 | IBPS Clerk Computer Knowledge Syllabus | 40 |
Total | 200 |
For Quantitative Aptitude Test (QAT) Tips & Tricks: CLICK HERE
IPBS Clerk Syllabus:
IBPS Clerk exam is important one for the people who want to hold a job in banking. Nearly 22 banks all over India are going to recruit candidates for Clerk posts through this IBPS Clerk Exam. Like every year, this year also it is going to be held on the Month of December 2014. There are five subjects are included in IBPS Clerk Online Exam 2014 as English Language, Reasoning, Numerical Ability, General Awareness and Computer Knowledge.
General Awareness:
There would be around 40 questions related to general knowledge. The candidates should prepare for the following topics.
- Science And Technology
- Economy
- Important Awards & Honors
- Current National And International Events
- Computer Knowledge
- Banking Knowledge
- Commissions
- Appointments
- Resignations
- Sport
- Prominent Personalities
- Polity
For SBI Clerk / PO Exam Previous Year Question Papers: CLICK HERE
English Language:
This section will also consist of 40 questions.
- General Grammar
- Antonyms
- Synonyms
- Comprehension of a Passage
- Sentence Completion
- Vocabulary
Quantitative Aptitude:
The quantitative section is vast and it will also have 40 questions.
- Decimals And Fractions
- Whole Numbers
- Relationship Between Numbers
- Ratio & Proportion
- Simplification
- Profit & Loss
- Time And Work
- Percentage
- Partnership
- Simple Interest
- Time And Distance
- Compound Interest
- Permutations & Combination’s
- Number Series
- Probability
- Approximate Values
- Data Interpretation
- Data Sufficiency
For General Knowledge (GK) & Current Affairs Questions: CLICK HERE
Reasoning Ability:
40 questions from this section are as under.
- Symbols and their relationships
- Arithmetical computation
- Decision making
- Verbal and figure classification
- Verbal and non-verbal
- Analytical functions
- Space visualization
- Judgment
- Problem solving
- Discrimination
- Arithmetical number series
- Visual memory
- Observation
- Arithmetical reasoning
- Relationship concepts
- Differences
- Analysis
- Similarities
- Analogies
For Numerical Ability Solved Model Test Papers: CLICK HERE
Computer Knowledge:
Generally there would be 20 questions.
- Operating and DOS
- Introduction of Computer and History
- Computer Device
- Security Aspects for PC
- PC and System Software
- Advanced Technology Regarding Computer
- MS Excel, MS Word
- Various Uses of Computer
- Internet Programming Language
- Computer Net work
- Computer of Future
- E world
- Window
Bank Exam Preparation Guide: Tips and Tricks
Marketing Aptitude:
There are 20 questions in this section.
- Marketing Investigation
- Concept of Marketing
- Appointment of company
- Marketing Management
- Staff Management
- Management and employees
- Importance of Marketing
- Total Quality Management
- Marketing Concept
- Marketing and Advertisement
- Needs of Consumers
- Responsibilities of Marketing
- Business Concept
- Division of Market
- Market and Business
- Total Customer Value
- Factor Affecting Consumers
- Concept of Buying and Selling
- Buyer and Seller
- Consumer Satisfaction
- Consumer Index Prices
- Theory of Bargaining
- Total Customer Cost
- Techniques of Consumer Satisfaction
IBPS CWE Clerk IV Exam Syllabus & Paper Pattern PDF:
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