Quantitative Arithmetic Formula(s) for Simple & Compound Interest – IBPS Exams QAT Pdf Download
We are providing you a great set of basic and additional formulae that will help you solve problems on compound interest more quickly. In exams like IBPS, RRB and SBI PO Clerk problems on compound interest are likely to appear so don’t ignore even small topic and prepare strategically. Quantitative Segment Questions are framed to test how capable are the aspirants in appropriately using numbers.The scope of the test will be computation of whole numbers, decimals, fractions & relationships between numbers;percentage & ratio, time & distance; profit, loss & discount; Simple Interest & Compound Interest; Ratio & Proportion,Partnership etc.
Quantitative Arithmetic Formulas for Compound Interest:
Every Quantitative aptitude problem can be solved in two ways. One is without using formulae and applying soe common general intelligence. But it is not possible for all the problems, some of the Problems to be asked in Common Written Examination must be dealt with proper formulae. Further, You can save your time largely if you know more formulae by quickly moving into the proble they ask.
For IBPS Clerk / PO Previous Year (Solved) Question Papers:
In any banking examination there will be five sections such General Awareness, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning and Computer Awareness. All the topics have their own importance and quantitative aptitude is having little higher priority. Here we are giving you some of the shortcuts and tricks which assist you to gain good score in this section.
Quantitative Aptitude Tricks:
As we know getting good score in this section is possible only if the candidate is perfect in mathematics. Aptitude section evaluates you on the numerical ability and accuracy in mathematical calculations. Candidates who are trying to get good score in this section are should be aware of all the formulas and shortcuts. We may have so many methods to solve mathematical problems but we need to choose simplest way to find out the solution as there will be time limit for exam. Hence we are giving here some of the formulas and tips to solve the problems easily and faster.
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