Coe1.annauniv.edu: Anna University Results April/ May 2018 For UG PG @ coe2.annauniv.edu Soon
Anna University successfully conducted UG & PG 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th Semester exams in the month of April/ May 2018. A huge number of candidates who are studying the same appeared for the exam. Candidates who had written the exam are eagerly waiting for the results. Now, the wait is over. Anna University is going to declare UG & PG results soon. Candidates can check Anna University UG PG Results from the direct link provided below.
Anna University UG/ PG Results April/ May 2018:
Anna University is a technical university in Tamil Nadu, India. The main university campus is located in Guindy, Chennai. It became an affiliating university in 2001, absorbing all engineering colleges in Tamil Nadu. In 2007, it was split into six constituent universities namely Chennai (campus), Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, Tiruchirappalli and Tirunelveli.
A Common Entrance Test namely Tamil Nadu Professional Courses Entrance Examination (TNPC EE) was used as a basis for admission to professional courses in the state until 2006. Starting in the academic year 2007-08, students were admitted to engineering colleges on the basis of their higher secondary marks.
Every year it conducts examinations for the undergraduate & graduate students. This year it had conducted the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th Sem exams and the candidates who had appeared for the exam can check the resulst from the official website.
Anna University Results April/ May 2018:
Anna University has successfully conducted Affiliated Colleges University Examinations 2018 for end semester B.E /B.Tech /B.Arch /M.B.A /M.C.A /M.E / M.Tech / M.Arch/M.Sc/B.Sc Degree Programmes. The results can be updated at any time. Some sources have said that the expected date for the Anna University 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Semester results of UG BE/B.Tech/B.Arch courses will be declared by the end of June and PG results will be published along with UG results.
Students can check the results from the direct link provided below as soon as after declaration.
Name of the Organization: Anna University
Name of the Exam: UG/ PG
Category: Results
Declaration of Results: Soon
Steps to Check Anna University April/ May Results 2018:
- Visit the official website or the direct link provided below.
- The homepage will be displayed.
- Click on Anna University Results 2018.
- Enter all the required details in the provided fields.
- Click on submit button.
- The results will appear on the screen.
- Check the results.
- Download/ Take a printout for further reference.
>>Check Anna University UG/ PG Results 2018 Here<< (Soon)
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