Karnataka CET Mock Seat Allotment 2017 @ kea.kar.nic.in Announced – KEA KCET Mock Allotment List Now
Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) released Common Entrance Test (KCET) Mock allotment results. Earlier, KEA successfully conducted KCET 2017 in the month of May 2017 and the results of the same were also declared on 14th June 2017. Candidates who had qualified in the exam appeared for the option entry. Based on the options entered by the candidates in the order of merit and by following the Roster System, Mock Seat allotment will be carried out by KEA. KEA mock allotment will help the candidate to revise, update, add or delete already entered options. Candidates can the change options from 23rd to 24th June, up to 6 pm.
KEA KCET Mock Seat Allotment 2017:
The Government of Karnataka established Common Entrance Test Cell in the year 1994 for conducting of Entrance Test and determining the eligibility / merit, for admission of Karnataka candidates and the ward/s of Jammu & Kashmiri migrants to the First year or First semester of full time professional courses for Government share of seats in Medical, Dental, Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy, Engineering / Architecture courses, Farm science i.e, B.Sc. (Agriculture), B.Sc. (Sericulture), B.Sc (Horticulture), B.Sc(Forestry), B.Sc. Agri Bio Tech, BHSc.(Home Science), B.Tech (Agri.Engg), B.Tech (Food Technology), B.Tech (Dairy Tech), B.FSc (Fisheries), B.Tech (Food Science &Tech)., B.Sc. (Agri. Marketing & Co-Op), B-Pharma, Pharma-D courses.
This year it has conducted the KCET 2017 examination and the candidates who had appeared for the counseling can check the mock allotment results from the official website.
Karnataka CET Mock Allotment 2017:
KEA mock allotment will help the candidate to revise, update, add or delete already entered options. After the publication of CET mock allotment, the candidates will be free to change, reorder, delete and add of their choices of courses/ colleges as per their preference. Candidates who do not get allotted any seat in the mock allotment should verify the options entered by them and enter more options in which they are interested in order to get allotted a seat when the real allotment is done. The real allotment is scheduled for publication on 25th June.
Name of the Organization: Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA)
Name of the Exam: Karnataka Common Entrance Test
Date of the Exam: May 2017
Category: Mock Seat Allotment
Steps to Check Karnataka CET Mock Seat Allotment List 2017?
- Candidates should visit the official website or the direct link provided below.
- The homepage will be displayed.
- Click on KEA Karnataka CET 1st Allotment Results 2017.
- Enter your CET number in the provided fields.
- Click on submit button.
- The 1st allotment list will appear on the screen.
- Check the list.
- Download/ Take a printout for further reference.
>>Check KEA CET Mock Seat Allotment 2017 Here<< (Released)
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