Florida Police Officer Fired After Arresting Two 6-Year-Old Kids
Authorities say a police officer in Florida has been fired and is currently under investigation after the officer arrested 2 6-year-old kids in separate incidents at their schools.
CBS Orlando Affiliate WKMG-TV reports that Dennis Turner, the police officer, was suspended earlier after he was being investigated by the Orlando Police Department.
The arrests were on unrelated misdemeanor charges.
All the charges against the 2 six-year-old kids have been dropped.
Earlier this week, the Orlando Police clarified that both children were 6-year-old after it was initially described that one of them was 8.
The policy of the Orlando Police Department states that an officer must get the approval of a watch commander before arresting a person who is under 12-years-old.
One of the 6-year-old children was processed at the Juvenile Assessment Center before being released to a family member.
Meralyn Kirkland, the grandmother of one of the kids, said she was angered when she found out her grandchild was arrested.
During her interview with WKMG-TV, she said, “No 6-year-old child should be able to tell somebody that they had handcuffs on them.”
Kaia, the granddaughter of Meralyn, is a 1st grader at the Lucious and Emma Nixon Academy.
She received a call on Thursday that said her granddaughter was arrested by the resource officer of the school.
Meralyn recalled what she said when she got the call.
She said, “I said, ‘What do you mean, she was arrested?’ They said there was an incident and she kicked somebody and she’s being charged and she’s on her way.”
Meralyn said her 6-year-old granddaughter was acting out due to a side effect of a lack of sleep that was caused by a medical condition.
While talking on the phone, the Meralyn said, “He says, ‘What medical condition?’ ‘She has a sleep disorder, sleep apnea,’ and he says, ‘Well, I have sleep apnea, and I don’t behave like that.”
Earlier this week, Orlando Police Chief Orlando Rolón said he was disgusted when he found out that the officer arrested a 6-year-old student.
The Chief added the Orlando Police Department has done some things to make sure this type of instances won’t happen in the future.