Hilarious Dog Steals Owner’s Dentures And Gets A Unique New Smile

Dogs are amazing and they often do something that is either hilarious or disappointing. There is no denying that dog owners love to post hilarious pictures and videos of their dogs.

Eunice, a dog owner, loves to share pictures of Maggie, a Shih Tzu Poodle-Chihuahua, on a page on Instagram, that is created for her funny and questionable images.

Eunice lives with her mom and dad, and when she goes to work, her father takes care of the hilarious pooch Maggie. The dad of Eunice and Maggie has an outstanding bond.

But things went nuts one day.

When Eunice went to work, her father was taking care of Maggie. The father of Eunice decided to take a nap, and before he took a nap, the dad decided to take out his dentures and place them beside him.

And when the dad of Eunice woke up, he couldn’t find his dentures and soon he realized they gone missing.

The father went to each room of their house to find the dentures.

But he noticed one thing strange, he saw sneaky Maggie hiding under the living room table with something.

When dad went towards Maggie, he saw Maggie smiling. No kidding, Maggie was smiling!

The dad immediately took a picture of the hilarious moment and shared it with Eunice, who couldn’t believe what she saw.

Eunice tweeted the picture.

In her tweet she said, Maggie tweeted: “You guyssss! A few months ago my dog, Maggie, stole my dad’s dentures while he was napping (his gums had been hurting him so he took them out mid-afternoon) and he found her like this.”

The pictures of Maggie smiling with her owner’s dad’s dentures are now all over the internet.

If you want to see hilarious images of Maggie doing unusual things, you can stalk her page.


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