President Donald Trump Confirms ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Was Killed In US Raid
Donald Trump, the president of the United States of America, confirmed that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, was killed during a raid conducted by the US Special Forces.
Abu Bakr was chased into a dead-end tunnel, where he ended up detonating a suicide vest, which killed him instantly.
The raid was carried out by the US Special Forces in the north-west part of Syria.
President Trump confirmed the news during a press conference that was held at the White House.
President Trump said, “He died like a dog. He died like a coward. The world is now a much safer place.”
During the press conference, President Trump said that the special forces of the United States brought down the world’s greatest terrorist leader to justice.
President confirmed the death at the same conference.
Trump went on to explain that the Islamic State Leader died crying, screaming, and whimpering as he ran towards a dead-end tunnel.
It is reported that Baghdadi took 3 of his young children with him when he was trying to escape.
His 3 children died when he detonated the bomb.
Trump said, “The thug who tried so hard to intimidate others spent his last moments in utter fear, in total panic and dread, terrified of the American forces bearing down on him.”
President added, “He died like a dog. He died like a coward. The world is now a much safer place.”
Donald Trump explained that he watched the raid in real-time from the situation room in the White House.
The exact number of deaths in the raid will be confirmed in the upcoming days.
Luckily, no US Special Forces were killed in the incident.
Talking about the troops, President Trump said, “This raid was impeccable and could only have taken place with the acknowledgment and help of certain other nations and people. I want to thank the nations of Russia, Turkey, Syria, and Iraq and I also want to thank the Syrian Kurds for certain support they were able to give us.”
Baghdadi was chased to the end of a dead-end tunnel by dogs.
At the end of the tunnel, Baghdadi detonated a suicide vest, which killed him and his 3 young children.